Groupies: Gather and Brainstorm!!

Guys, I have had an inspiration, and you’re invited to be in on the planning stage…

I was digging around on Sticher (mostly decent podcast app on Droid, etc) this morning, seraching with increasing desperation for a podcast that doesn’t suck.  As I occasionally do, I put “sql server” in as a search term, and got back nothing of note.

Then it hit me: Let’s do a SQL Server podcast. I know that Sean and I already do that with DBAs@Midnight (though technically that’s a web SHOW). And I know I did an audio podcast for a while (but I’m not keeping it up [TWSS]).

Here’s what I envision, and what we need:

  • A name.  I think we’re going with Midnight Association for SQL Server-cast (MASScast). Thanks, Nic!
  • An easily sustainable publish process…maybe a decent WordPress plugin. I hate editing straight XML and republishing…just lemme upload the file and hit a button. Update: I think we’re going with Podcasting Plugin by TSG. Thanks, Jeff!
  • Contributions. Of course I’ll be providing content, but I really want this to be a community effort.  I want 5 to 30 minute recordings from you guys on whatever: community news, event reviews, tech tips and short sessions, whatever.  I’ll string them together into 10-to-45 minute shows every week (maybe more often, depending), and we’ll have us something brilliant! 
  • Artwork. We need a 300×300 (or larger) square JPG or PNG image that just screams “MASScast”. Who’s up for it?


  • Any submitted content remains all yours, but the recording itself will be creative commons licensed under the MidnightDBA brand…meaning we’ll allow anyone to link and reuse the recording for any purpose, commercial or otherwise, as long as it’s attributed to us (and you).
  • Original work only, please.
  • We will reserve the right to turn down any submission for any reason, but I think we’re all cool here. 
  • Get the okay beforehand if you’re gonna heavily pimp something (that’s not a community event or free thing)…nobody wants a 45 minute show of product commercials.
  • Nic Cain (@SirSQL) made a good point: All contributions should be PG, to reach the widest audience. I know that’s out of character, but even I understand the value of playing for the masses.

So that’s it.  I need help. Names? Plugins? Art? Interest in contributions? There’s no committment…you can submit one 5minute recording (we’ll figure out format later), or submit regular half hour shows, or whatever.

Last thing: Let’s not announce this yet….I want our ducks in a row before we start spreading the word.

Press on, Groupies!

Jen, and Sean’s hair

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