Informal Poll: Suspicious Job Offer?

A friend wrote me (and a few others) today to get opinions. Edited for content/anonymity:

I interviewed with one person (head of their office) who admitted he knows nothing about databases.  He asked me a few general questions, told me that my resume was really impressive and I seem to be very knowledgeable. I asked my questions, and that was it.  I was out of there in about 45 minutes.

There was no second round interview, no tech interview.  This morning they called and offered me the job.  This seems rather shady…they never asked me a single technical question!

I'm flattered to have been offered this job, but I'm really not sure what to do here.
This place seems to have the things I want – clustering, HA, etc – but I really don't know much else about them.

Based on your experiences, does this seem strange to any of you? Would I be out of order to ask for a second interview so I can meet more people and?

I asked Twitter: What would you think about a company that offers you a job without a tech interview of any kind? Suspicious? Normal?  Here are the replies so far:

  • probably depends on the company and its culture. Was the rest of the interview process rigorous?
  • I'd guess a small company where there's no one qualified to do the tech interview. Or it's a sucky enviro & they're desperate.
  • I would be very cautious. I had contracting firm do that who had yet to win contract on AF base.
  • I'd find that strange but like @mikeSQL said they might already know your skill level since you are famous
  • no tech interview?Sometimes smaller companies w/o a SQL guy will take resumes at face value. Don't know enough SQL to vet.
  • That means that you didn't get the chance to interview them to see how they would fit with you, run away as fast as you can.
  • I would b a lil susp.
  • perhaps theyre already familiar with your #awesomesauce skillz?
  • depends entirely on whether they know you and your work already, but usually suspicious
  • depends. did the do a background check including your resume? if so & they respect where you worked (e.g. MSFT), might be legit
  • I'd be very afraid. To me, that signals that they don't care about their business/company and will just take anyone.

That's a very wide range of responses…I guess the best bet is to go with your gut…and request the second interview…

-Jen "just reporting the news" McCown


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