New Hotness: sys.objects and sys.schemas

Last month we talked about the old and busted syscomments– and the new hotness that is sys.sql_modules – for pulling code out of your database using T-SQL.  I’m finally transitioning over to sql_modules for good, even though I’d been a slow adopter.  This month, though, I’m already in SQLlove with the new hotness: sys.objects.

The old sysobjects is still around, though BOL warns us that it “could be going away at any time, so gather your things and move away slowly” (I’m paraphrasing a touch).  sys.objects is a new-in-2005 catalog view that “holds a row for each user-defined, schema-scoped object” in the database.  Note that DDL triggers aren’t schema-scoped, so you’ll go hunting for them in sys.triggers

So, if you’re looking for some stored procedure with the word “Zanzibar” in the name, you can get it with this query:

FROM sys.objects
WHERE name LIKE '%Zanzibar%'

This new catalog view shows Microsoft’s then-new love for schemas. The name itself is all schema-d up, and we have the nicely named column schema_id that we can use to pull schema/object info, using a join to sys.schemas:

SELECT SchemaName
, ObjectName
, O.type
FROM sys.objects O
INNER JOIN sys.schemas S
ON O.schema_id = S.schema_id

If you’re not familiar yet with schemas, we have three (THREE!) videos on the subject over at MidnightDBA proper:

Happy days!
Jen McCown

Further reading:

2 thoughts on “New Hotness: sys.objects and sys.schemas

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention SQL Awesomesauce » Blog Archive » New Hotness: sys.objects and sys.schemas --

  2. Calvin Jones

    You can also use these that don’t need the join to sys.schemas:

    SELECT SCHEMA_NAME(O.schema_id) SchemaName
    , ObjectName
    , O.type
    FROM sys.objects O

    SELECT OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(O.object_id) SchemaName
    , ObjectName
    , O.type
    FROM sys.objects O

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