S-3-X Talk Week: Wrapup

Image is conjecture; accuracy of percentages not guaranteed (but likely)

We’ve discussed thinking about 53x (Women: whenever it comes up; Men: ~23 hours each day), 53xual tension, dressing 53xy, 53xual harassment, and relationships in the workplace. We’ve kinda talked all the 53x we can without oversharing, I suspect.  But it wouldn’t be S-3-X Talk Week without SOME kind of wrapup, now would it?

Like many adults, I’m fully in favor of 53x.  It’s healthy, it’s fun, and as Mel Brooks so cunningly put it, “Everybody does it…YOU do it, you KNOW you do it…”  Things get awkward when we try to find the borders between this very private subject, and the public domain of work and friends and romance.  Men, women – I leave each of you with a few suggestions.

Men:  By and large, good job on sticking to business during business. I’ve learned that pretty women are distracting, so good on ya for keeping it to yourself.  When you want to get involved with a woman at work, be straightforward (but tactful), and accept “no” the first time, no matter what the movies say.  When working with a women, remember to pay attention to what she says: she’s a co-worker on equal footing. (Unless, you know, she’s incompetent.)

Women: By and large, good job on understanding men, and taking care of your own business. Dress appropriately for work – dress to feel beautiful, not 53xy. (See Audrey’s comments in the last blog.) If a guy makes unwelcome (but tactful) overtures at work, turn him down and let it go – in other words, handle your own business. Educate yourself about 53xual harassment, so that if it does happen – severe or pervasive unwelcome behavior, remember – you’ll recognize it and know what to do.  When working with a man, remember to listen to what he says: he’s a co-worker on equal footing. (Unless, you know, he’s an incompetent.)

Work mirrors life: just as a job is like a relationship, professional relationships mirror romantic relationships, which mirror friendships. They’re all in the same family, just with different degrees of severity (so to speak). The stereotypical communication differences don’t fade away just because we’re professional partners, instead of 53xual partners.

Happy days,
Jen McCown