PASS Women in Technology

The Professional Association for SQL Server (PASS) Women in Technology group first caught my attention at the PASS Summit in 2009 when I was asked to live blog the WIT Luncheon. As it turns out, I had a lot to think about, and a lot to say.  Since then, I’ve blogged, spoken, volunteered, coordinated, schemed, and plotted (but in a good way!) for PASS WIT.  Simply speaking, it’s a great group of folks.

PASS WIT is a virtual PASS chapter – meaning that anyone anywhere can join. And what’s it for?

The Women in Technology Virtual Chapter seeks to provide a forum for discussion of issues pertinent to women working in technology and opportunities for women within the Professional Association for SQL Server (PASS) to meet and network.

What PASSWIT isn’t: exclusionary.

Every year, hundreds of women and men participate in SQL Saturday WIT sessions, WIT week at SQL University, the PASS Summit WIT Luncheon, and (starting this year!) the SQLRally WIT Luncheon. 

In February, PASS held a 24 Hours of PASS – 24 hours of free technical training online – “Celebrating Women in Technology”…24 hours of tech content by 24 awesome tech women.  It was a wonderful thing.  

Volunteers and leaders join in a monthly call to discuss ideas and plan events, and a good many of us are on Twitter. We even have our own @PASS_WIT account, and #passwit hashtag.  Hey…we’re a tech group, after all.

The only thing we seem to be missing is a logo. I don’t speak for PASS WIT – I’m a volunteer, not an official something-or-other – but I’d love to see some good logo ideas for Women in Tech and/or the WIT SQRally luncheon specifically.  I just don’t think my drawing skills will cut it, this time.

Email to be on the mailing list, or to volunteer with the WIT Virtual Chapter.  And send me your logo ideas!

Happy days,
Jen McCown

10 thoughts on “PASS Women in Technology

    1. Jen McCown Post author

      Yeah, the ponytail is actually the moon shape in MS Word. Ahh, there I go, giving away all my expert graphics tips…

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  2. Kristy M

    Ok, I submitted one. Had a couple of ideas, but if I tried to make them all, then I’d probably finish none – so you get 1 (for now…)
    It’s not brilliant, but it’s probably safer than my almost stealing of the W from the Wonder Woman symbol and combining a “i” layered on a T from behind. The “i” strangely looked like a stick figure in my drawing.
    Rather than chance that, just went with the basic symbol of a female, filled in the circle with a circuit board and threw on the word “WIT” and the PASS logo. Took me a few to remember how to do layers. You get what you pay for.

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