Protesting government web surveillance: Feb 11 Blackout

We at the MidnightDBA compound* believe firmly in the right to privacy, and so have watched with dismay over the last few years as online privacy has taken a giant, flaming nosedive into the land of Big Brother Is Actually a Thing Now. As always, I am heartened and pleased to bring you news of the ongoing fight.

Via Reddit,

A broad coalition of well-known organizations (Reddit, the Electronic Freedom Foundation, Free Press, Mozilla and others) announced today that it will stage an online protest against wide-ranging government surveillance of Internet users on 11 February, in memory of activist Aaron Swartz.

Here’s the link to the article, and to the Reddit discussion. I imagine we’ll have more to say over the coming weeks, here, and on our Friday DBAs@Midnight episodes. In the meantime, just thought you ought to know.

Happy days,
Jen McCown

*By “the compound”, I mean the collection of desks, tables, and clutter that make up our home office. But that’s not important right now.