Tip: Jobs without a scheduled run

It’s a scheduled run. Get it? GET IT?

It’s awfully comforting to see all those backup and maintenance jobs in your SQL Agent list, isn’t it? It’d be a shame if, you know, they never ran.

Where do we keep our job information? In MSDB tables:

  • Your jobs are listed in dbo.sysjobs.
  • Schedules are in dbo.sysschedules.
  • The table dbo.sysjobschedules joins them together. (Remember, a job can have more than one schedule, just as a schedule can be assigned to more than one job.)

Jobs without schedules

Let’s see what jobs have no schedules. To do that, we really just need to check jobs in sysjobs against the sysjobschedules table:

SELECT j.name, s.schedule_id, s.next_run_date, s.next_run_time
FROM dbo.sysjobs j
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.sysjobschedules s ON j.job_id = s.job_id
WHERE s.job_id IS NULL;

That query will show us which jobs simply have no associated schedules. Now, what if a job has a schedule, but the schedule itself is not enabled?

Jobs with disabled schedules

Well, now we have to actually check the sysschedules table for the enabled flag:

USE msdb;
SELECT j.name, s.schedule_id, s.next_run_date, s.next_run_time, ss.enabled
FROM dbo.sysjobs j
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.sysjobschedules s ON j.job_id = s.job_id
INNER JOIN dbo.sysschedules ss ON ss.schedule_id = s.schedule_id
WHERE s.job_id IS NULL

I built on the original query: this gets us any cases where a job has no entry in sysjobschedules, OR the schedule it’s associated with is not enabled.


Of course, not all jobs should have schedules. But if you happen to see “DBA – Nightly Backup of Important Production Databases OMG I Hope This Runs” job, it’s a good bet that it should be running on a scheduled basis.


Happy days,
Jen McCown

P.S. Bonus points: Check for jobs that don’t alert on failure, jobs that have failed recently, jobs owned by user accounts. What else?

3 thoughts on “Tip: Jobs without a scheduled run

  1. Edward P

    nice jobs scripts, this script will display owners, create date, last date job was changed and a neat column [version_number ] that shows # of times the job was altered. Ever have a developer say ” We did not touch any jobs”, ha very easy to see the last date touched with this query. Interesting when you find a job was altered say 300+ times.

    select [name],
    LEFT([date_created],11)AS Date_Created,
    LEFT([date_Modified],11)AS Date_Modified,
    WHEN notify_level_eventlog = 0 THEN ‘No Log’
    WHEN notify_level_eventlog = 1 THEN ‘When Job Succeeds’
    WHEN notify_level_eventlog = 2 THEN ‘When Job Fails’
    WHEN notify_level_eventlog = 3 THEN ‘On Completion regardless’

    from MSDB.dbo.sysjobs
    ORDER BY [Owner_Name

  2. HanShi

    I don’t care so much for “jobs without schedule”. I care about when a job has run for the last time (and the outcome). A job can be started by so many different ways: a schedule, a stored procedure, another job, by the application, by powershell, etc.
    Only by looking at the “last run date” you can see if a job is actually used or not.

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