“The report server Web Portal URLs and Web Service URLs don’t match”

A client recently upgraded a server, and then started receiving this error when they tried to access the SSRS Reports page at http://MyServerName\Reports:

The service is not available.

The report server isn’t configured properly. Contact your system administrator to resolve the issue. System administrators: The report server Web Portal URLs and Web Service URLs don’t match. Use Reporting Services Configuration Manager to configure the URLs and ensure they match.

This is a fantastically clear error, and a quick web search turned up the results. As per this thread, I just had to replace http://+:80/Reports / with http://MYSERVERNAME:80/Reports/.

Yes, I’m blogging about someone else’s thread. It’s for my reference, and your attention.

Here’s what I did specifically:

  1. Stopped the SSRS service.
  2. Looked at the currently reserved URLs with the command
    netsh http show urlacl

    The URL http://+:80/Reports/ showed up as a reserved URL. What I WANTED, and what SSRS Configuration Manager showed, was http://MyServerName:80/Reports/.

    NOTE: You can also use the same command, and append >> c:\tmp\file.txt to send the output to a text file, which is handy!

  3. Deleted the reservation with the command:
    netsh http delete urlacl url= http://+:80/Reports/

  4. Created the new one with the command:
    netsh http add urlacl url=http://MYSERVERNAME:80/Reports/ user=”NT SERVICE\ReportServer”

  5. Edited the rsreportserver.config URLReservations section to reflect the URL reservations (MYSERVERNAME:80 instead of +:80, etc.)
    NOTE: By default, this file will be at C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS12.MSSQLSERVER\

  6. Restarted the SSRS service.

Tah-dah! It worked! And I’ll forget all about this in a year when it comes up again, and I will google the error message, and find my own blog.

It’s the ciiiiircle of liiiiiife….

4 thoughts on ““The report server Web Portal URLs and Web Service URLs don’t match”

  1. Erik Guthrie

    Followed you prescribed steps, but getting the following error when attempting to re-add the URL:

    URL reservation add failed, Error: 87
    Create SDDL failed, Error: 1332
    The Parameter is incorrect

    Here is the cmd I attempted to run:
    netsh http add urlacl url=http://ITTY:80/Reports_CRM/ user=”NT SERVICE\ReportServer$MARIADB”

    Any thoughts?

    1. Jen McCown Post author

      I’m not sure. Try putting quotes around your URL see if that helps. Oh wait, you don’t have a slash after NT service! It’s probably it.

  2. Erik Guthrie

    Thanks for your reply, Jen!

    No, the slash is there in the domain\account segment. I can get the url to reserve and create if I remove the “NT Service\ReportServer$MARIADB” data, and instead replace it with domain\account. It works when I remove the quotation marks and put in the domain\account combination without spaces. So I think the issue is; A) having quotation marks in the parameter; and B) having a domain with a (space) in it.

    How do I get around that? Because I do believe the account ought to be NT Servcie\ReportServer$MARIADB …


  3. Mish

    Just FWIW don’t use copy and paste. The Quotes get converted to weird inverted quotes by the blogs web service. You can see this when you copy/paste to Notepad/Notepad++.

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