sqlhelp: limit the x-axis of a geometry line graph

I have a #sqlhelp question that requires some code. So hey, blog post time!

TL;DR: the geometry::STGeomFromText graph provides too wide a range for the X-axis, for a large variance of Y-axis values. Is there a way to limit the X-axis range?

Update: We have an answer! Thanks MJ!

I’m playing with a geometry query based on this article. The query is meant to take inputs from a table, and generate a line graph of amounts over time. Something like this:


But when I run the following code:

create table #tmp (Yr varchar(4), nm varchar(4))
insert into #tmp (Yr, nm)
values (2010, 10),
(2010, 500),
(2011, 11),
(2012, 200),
(2013, 17),
(2014, 10),
(2015, 20)

( SELECT ',' + Yr + ' ' + Nm
FROM #tmp
FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '');
SELECT geometry::STGeomFromText( 'LINESTRING(' + @WK + ')', 0 );

…I get a graph that is basically a vertical line:


It’s not truly a vertical line. When I zoom in, I can see that this graph actually represents all the numbers…it’s just that there is a VERY LARGE difference between 10 and 500, the minimum and maximum values. And the graph, for some reason, decides that we also need a REALLY WIDE x-axis range (from before 1960 to after 2110). The graph is unreadable.

If I reduce the larger values down, I do get a usable graph…but of course, it doesn’t represent reality:


So, here’s the “Too Long;Didn’t Read”: The geometry::STGeomFromText graph provides too wide a range for the X-axis, for a large variance of Y-axis values. Is there a way to limit the X-axis range?

Thanks for playing along!