COVID Quarantine WFH, day 1

This is intended to be a lighthearted treatment of a subject that is, in some areas, very serious. We recognize the gravity. But we must also make fun of things that can be made fun of, non?

Day 0: This weekend, returned from nice, safe, fun ocean journey to find that everything is extra weird now. Donned protective gear and observed, firsthand, the lack of paper products in stores. I gather that people are eating the stuff now. Weird, because there’s plenty of vegan sausages left in the cooler.

Have determined to self-quarantine for two weeks. As some have said, this won’t look all that different from my normal life, except that we’ll run out of crackers sooner.

Note to self: investigate vegan cheese recipes.

Day 1: Am lucky; already have work from home set up (because that’s what I do). Oddly, two of my five primary housemates are AWOL (actually, AWL). Will gather them in the coming days. Meanwhile, Sean and ChildB (a codename) and I have all the vegan sausages to ourselves.

Birds still singing outside. May send a scouting team to determine whether they have caches of soap and wing sanitizer.