1983 “War Games” and a history of passwords

In the trivia for the movie “War Games” (1983):

“As a result, the industry was forced to make several seemingly obvious changes like creating accounts with default rather than no password on newly installed systems. This is because prior to the film’s release, it was just assumed most computer systems would only be accessed by authorized persons and the odds of someone breaking in was felt to be vanishingly low except for high-value systems such as banks or the military.”

I was 7 years old when it started occurring to people that MAAAAYBE we might wanna put passwords on computers.

Even so, I was into my late teens before it became a regular thing to have a password on your own computer at home.

I was out of college before they made a shortcut to lock your computer, I think. (Windows-L, if you didn’t know.)

Weird, right?