What is Discord, and can I have some shortcuts?

Discord is a VoIP and instant messaging social platform. Users have the ability to communicate with voice calls, video calls, text messaging, media and files in private chats or as part of communities called “servers”.

– Wikipedia

That answers the first question. And yes, you may have some shortcuts!

Discord tips and text shortcuts

  • Highlight some text and use CTRL-B to bold, or just use double asterisks on either side of your text, like: **bold**
  • For italics: CTRL-I or single asterisks: *italics*
  • For underline: CTRL-U or double underscores for __underline__
  • For strikethrough: use double tildes: ~~strikethrough~~
  • To cover text for spoilers or trigger/content warnings, it’s double pipes:
    ||This is a spoiler.|| [See the image below for an example of spoiler text.]
  • To blockquote text, use the “greater than” symbol: >
    > This is block quote text.
  • And backticks (`code`) for code:
    This is code
Screenshot of text from Discord. The screenshot text is the same as the text written above, but you can see that the "spoilers" text example is blacked out.

SQL Server Community Discord

If you’d like to join the SQL Server Community Discord server, go to this page. The password is a full query: just select the first column from the system objects table. (All lowercase, single spaces, no brackets, no semicolon.)

If you have trouble with the password, ping me on Counter.Social, Mastodon, email (jen [at] midnightdba dot com), or Twitter.