Category: News

S–3–X Talk Week: This Totally Won’t be Awkward

We’re conducting S–E–X Talk Week here at the MidnightDBA #Awesomesauce blog, in honor of everyone’s favorite subject. In deference to the fact that this is (against all odds) a professional blog, and SOME companies aren’t fond of “that” kind of talk wending its way through the office intertubes, we will be using the very clever analog […]

Forgotten T-SQL Cheat Sheet

You’ve seen the blog, you’ve downloaded the code…you even watched the 24HOP session recording…now own the Forgotten T-SQL Cheat Sheet! Yessir, this handy-dandy reference sheet includes the Logical Processing Order of SELECT, shorthand for recursive CTEs and MERGE, the famous list-of-details XML trick, and more! And it’s yours, for only $199.99! FREE!  Why? Because we […]

How MUCH More Do You Make?

Yesterday, my editorial Why are we still talking about Women in Tech? was published, and we had a fine time all the day discussing the ins and outs of the question on the forum.  One reader wrote me to express admiration of the article, but indifference to the subject, because there hadn’t been any […]