Category: TSQL

SELECT: If ON preceeds JOIN, then how….

I got some excellent questions from my 24HOP session yesterday, and when presenting the same session at NTSSUG last night.  There were a few questions pointing to the same area:  * How is the ON clause evaluated before the JOIN clause?  * If ON is evaluated before the JOIN, how does it resolve table aliases […]

24HOP Session: Forgotten T-SQL

Here, just in case you don’t want to read all my rambling: Download the Forgotten T-SQL session code here.  Edit (10/1/2010): The 24 Hours of PASS Fall session recordings are up!  You’ll need to use your PASS login, or register, to access the recordings. Session Wrapup Speakers always say “thanks for coming” and “I really appreciate […]

New Hotness: sys.sql_modules

I’m still old school in many ways. And they’re not the ways that let you get away with wearing wayfarers, or shouting “get off my lawn, you kids!” In this case, I’m still havin a hard time weaning myself off the old system table “syscomments”. I LOVE syscomments…I can find a piece of code anywhere in […]