Category: Admin

Create a clustered index and a primary key on existing tables

It’s the simple things in life that can trip people up. I find that creating primary keys and clustered indexes on existing tables is one that newish DBAs tend to trip up on, and so (like I do), I shall blog about it so there’s a nice, clear, explicit reference available. Yes, Virginia, you most […]


I’ve seen this mistake more than once, from DBAs with a middling to fair amount of experience. So it bears repeating. RECOVERY_PENDING is very different from RECOVERING. Definitions RECOVERING means that things are happening, and all may be well. “Database is being recovered. The recovering process is a transient state; the database will automatically become online if […]

Applied SQL: Orphan a user, fix orphaned users (sp_FixOrphanedUsers)

Ever heard of orphaned users? It’s a database user account, disconnected from its associated login. You typically get this when you take a database backup, and restore it to a different server. Microsoft provides us with the ever helpful sp_change_users_login to find and repair orphaned users, but even so, it’s kind of a PITA* manual operation. […]