Category: Intermediate

sqlhelp: limit the x-axis of a geometry line graph

I have a #sqlhelp question that requires some code. So hey, blog post time! TL;DR: the geometry::STGeomFromText graph provides too wide a range for the X-axis, for a large variance of Y-axis values. Is there a way to limit the X-axis range? Update: We have an answer! Thanks MJ! Yeah, the spatial results tab is pretty […]

The transaction log for database ‘MyDB’ is full due to ‘LOG_BACKUP’

Your transaction log is full. Both Microsoft, and about 100 articles and blogs have covered this topic, but let’s take a quick look anyway. Because, you know, it comes up all the time.

Management Studio Shortcut – Change Connection

One of the most common things I do within SSMS is to change connection for the current query editor window, from one SQL Server instance to another: I’m a huge fan of keyboard shortcuts (see exhibit 1, exhibit 2, and exhibit 3). So let’s create a shortcut for “Change Connection” today. The basic method for creating keyboard shortcuts is: […]