Fun With TSQL – The Almost Question

Content rating: Beginner, tips

Right click to download the setup and example code here.

I had a neat little request come across my desk yesterday (we'll abstract the details a bit for separation of company and blog).  In essence, it was "find me all the salespeople this month that have met ALMOST all the requirements to get the Superdude bonus". They want to see who's meeting most, but not quite all, of their sales goals so that management can encourage them and send reminders. 

Let's say we already have a convenient rollup table with all the salespeople's monthly summary info in it, so we can focus.


Here's the rollup table:

create table salesRollup (

salesGuyID int,

SalesGuyName varchar(100),

salesPeriodMonth tinyint,

salesPeriodYear smallint,

bridgesSold int,

bridgeSales money,

totalSales money


Tip: By the way, I can't stress enough the importance of knowing and using your datatypes properly. Tinyint is only 1 byte, and holds integers from 0 to 255…why would I need int (4 bytes), or even smallint (2 bytes), to hold a month number? Save space where you can. (Now, I am using money instead of smallmoney, but hey, these guys are selling bridges and ladders to the moon….that's likely to rack up numbers higher than the $214,748 limit on smallmoney).


Let's say that the requirements for the superdude bonus stretch over three consecutive months, and are:

  • Total sales of over $100,000 in month 1

  • Total sales of over $150,000 in month 2

  • Total sales of over $200,000 in month 3

  • Sold at least 2 bridges in month 2

  • Sold at least 4 bridges in month 3

  • Bridge sales should be more than $90,000 in month 3

Hey, we don't make the rules; we just get them from the business owners, and confirm them very, very well.   

First step: Query to Meet All Sales Requirements 

I know we're looking for those guys who ALMOST qualify, but "almost" is harder than "does", so let's start working on "does qualify", and go from there. Now, all this data is coming from one table, but we're going to self-join that table to itself to get the different month's information, like so:

select month1.*,
FROM salesRollup month1 — Month1 = January 2010
INNER JOIN salesRollup month2 ON month2.salesGuyID = month1.salesGuyID
   AND month2.salesPeriodYear = month1.salesPeriodYear
   AND month2.salesPeriodMonth = month1.salesPeriodMonth + 1 — Month2 = February 2010.
INNER JOIN salesRollup month3 ON  month3.salesGuyID = month1.salesGuyID
    AND month3.salesPeriodYear = month1.salesPeriodYear
    AND month3.salesPeriodMonth = month1.salesPeriodMonth + 2 — Month3 = March 2010.
WHERE month1.salesPeriodMonth = 1
   AND month1.salesPeriodYear = 2010

Tip: I don't actually advocate the use of SELECT *, but while we're developing – on our DEVELOPMENT box, not on our PRODUCTION box! – it's just shorthand. 

See what we did there? "month1", "month2", and "month3" are aliases for our joined tables; this lets us join a table to itself, and makes it comprehensible. Now we can ACTUALLY think of month1, month2, and month3 as different tables, because the join for each one returns a different set of data. Next up, let's turn our requirements into TSQL:

  • Total sales of over $100,000 in month 1 => month1.totalSales > 100000

  • Total sales of over $150,000 in month 2 => month2.totalSales > 150000

  • Total sales of over $200,000 in month 3 => month3.totalSales > 200000

  • Sold at least 2 bridges in month 2 => month2.BridgesSold >=2

  • Sold at least 4 bridges in month 3 => month3.BridgesSold >=3

  • Bridge sales should be more than $90,000 in month 3 => month3.bridgeSales > 90000

We'll just tack that on to the WHERE clause from the query before (changes only affect the WHERE clause, so I'm cutting out the body of the query for now):

WHERE month1.salesPeriodMonth = 1

  AND month1.salesPeriodYear = 2010

  AND month1.totalSales > 100000

  AND month2.totalSales > 150000

  AND month3.totalSales > 200000

  AND month2.BridgesSold >=2

  AND month3.BridgesSold >=3

  AND month3.bridgeSales > 90000

Next: Change to "Almost" Met Sales Requirements 

This query gets us the salespeople who DO qualify for the bonus. But what we need are the people who ALMOST qualify. Now, "almost" is going to be a business rule…do they want to see a report of people with enough total sales, but not enough bridge? People who qualify in month1 and 2, but not quite yet in 3? Find out what the business owners specifically mean by "almost", and then tailor your query. In our case, we've been asked for people who have month1 and 2 requirements, have 2 bridges sold in month 3, and are within 50% of their total and bridge sales in month 3. This changes the query thusly (ignoring the body of the query again, only WHERE clause changes):

WHERE month1.salesPeriodMonth = 1

  AND month1.salesPeriodYear = 2010

  AND month1.totalSales > 100000

  AND month2.totalSales > 150000

  AND month3.totalSales >= CAST((.10 * 200000) AS int)

  AND month2.BridgesSold >=2

  AND month3.BridgesSold >=2

  AND month3.bridgeSales >= CAST((.10 * 90000) AS int)

Different "Almost"

If the business had decided another tack for "almost" – like, anyone who has met month 1 and month 2 requirements, and at least one month 3 requirement – we'd have a different WHERE:

WHERE month1.salesPeriodMonth = 1

  AND month1.salesPeriodYear = 2010

  AND month1.totalSales > 100000

  AND month2.totalSales > 150000

  AND month2.BridgesSold >=2

     (month3.totalSales > 200000

      OR month3.BridgesSold >=3

      OR month3.bridgeSales > 90000)

No "Did Meet" Guys

You get the idea.  If we like, we can also eliminate those guys who DO meet all the criteria – after all, this is a report on potential bonus awardees:

WHERE month1.salesPeriodMonth = 1

  AND month1.salesPeriodYear = 2010

  AND month1.totalSales > 100000

  AND month2.totalSales > 150000

  AND month2.BridgesSold >=2

     (month3.totalSales > 200000

      OR month3.BridgesSold >=3

      OR month3.bridgeSales > 90000)

     (month3.totalSales > 200000

      AND month3.BridgesSold >=3

      AND month3.bridgeSales > 90000)

That last AND NOT says, if a guy also meets all thre month3 criteria, I don't want to see him.

Make it Readable 

There's one more thing I'd like to do to this query, and that is to make it easily readable/usable. So let's change our SELECT statement (we'll ignore the FROM, JOIN, and WHERE clauses for now; they stay the same).  We'll use this latest set of requirements…that is, all month1 and month2 criteria are met. So let's show them WHICH month3 criteria are being met:


  — Total sales

  case WHEN month3.totalSales > 200000 THEN 'YES'

  ELSE 'no'

  END AS TotalSalesMet_ThisMonth,

  — Bridges Sold

  case WHEN month3.BridgesSold >=3 THEN 'YES'

  ELSE 'no'

  END AS BridgesSoldMet_ThisMonth,

  — Bridge sales

  case WHEN month3.bridgeSales > 90000 THEN 'YES'

  ELSE 'no'

  END AS BridgeSalesMet_ThisMonth,





  month3.bridgesSold CurrentBridgesSold,

  month3.bridgeSales CurrentBridgeSales,

  month3.totalSales CurrentTotalSales


This will present the user with a lovely readout, something like this:

TotalSalesMet_ThisMonth BridgesSoldMet_ThisMonth BridgeSalesMet_ThisMonth salesGuyID SalesGuyName salesPeriodMonth salesPeriodYear CurrentBridgesSold CurrentBridgeSales CurrentTotalSales
YES no no 1 Dwight 3 2010 1 10000 300000
no YES YES 16 Pam 3 2010 3 260000 387000


Beautiful. Happy days, all!

-Jen McCown

New DBAs@Midnight: Stuff Auction

Here's the latest on the latest DBAs @ Midnight videos, "Stuff Auction" This time, WE HAVE A PLAN.

DBAs@Midnight: Stuff Auction Part 1:

  • Recap of our week – MVP summit (Ozaaaaar!!) and Colorado skiing. 2 new blogcasts, Quest product placement, sort of.
  • 3:00 Jen's new job
  • 4:15 first topic – The Job Auction. What happens to your stuff when you leave a job…
  • The Tom we mention is Tom Yager of
  • 7:30 Jen admits to her dark urges.
  • 9:00 The best ways to scope out the soon-to-be-available stuff.
  • 10:55: "I take bribes, and suckups are welcome!"
  • Sean punched Tim Ford's new ink.
  • 13:30: There are some things that it's NEVER okay to do…

DBAs@Midnight: Stuff Auction Part 2:

  • Jen's impression of Stanley from the Office. And then the end of topic salute, which turns out to be kinda stupid.
  • Exam questions… "You're a SQL Server developer for XYZ corp…"
  • 1:45 What are the things to focus on at a new job. Jen's answer
  • 4:30 Sean's answer

DBAs@Midnight: Stuff Auction Part 3:

  • Continued, important first day questions.
  • 2:30 Jen wanders briefly into kidland
  • 3:00 Alerting and monitoring
  • 5:00 Powershell solutions for info gathering and monitoring. sean's PS blog…
  • 8:00 There's a DMV for that! Shirt ideas
  • 9:00 Sean's MVP week talk with Brent Ozaaaaaaaar!!
  • 12:30 More important first day tasks….business owners? Process? What's that?
  • 13:20 Eddie Izzard, "Death death death death lunch, death death…"
  • 14:00 Recap.
  • 15:00 Clusters are like Hummvees – everyone wants one, but few know or need what they're actually for.
  • 16:20 HA is often misunderstood… (You see how we start to wander after midnight?)
  • 19:00 An NDA flashlight, and Jen announces how she's going to blog guides to these podcasts, because they wander around so much.
  • 19:45 Sean actually <redacted> <redacted> Denali <redacted> Dan Jones.
  • 21:26 We say goodnight.

-Jen McCown

Code Sin: Coding Lonely

“All things appear and disappear because of the concurrence of causes and conditions. Nothing ever exists entirely alone; everything is in relation to everything else.” -Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta, the founder of Buddhism, 563-483 B.C.

Don't code lonely. Just don't do it…it's one of the major sins that will cause the gods of IT to unforgivingly smite you.  You don't want to be smitten smited smote smoten, do you?  Good then.

What do I mean by "code lonely"? I mean a lot of things, actually.  You code lonely when you code in a vacuum – without good interaction with the rest of your team. When we do this, we run a very high risk of missing an important element to the module, or slamming up against some other module in a way that breaks the application. (Go ahaed, ask me how I know…)  Talk to your team, attend meetings, send emails.  Don't code lonely.

I also mean coding maverick style: Sure, you may be one awesome Top Gun, but no one is immune from random mistakes and oversights. (Again, ask me how I know.)I'm remembering Michael Bolton in Office Space, "I probably put a decimal wrong or something.  S***, I'm always DOING that!"  Implement code reviews and stick with them.

This is not the scene I'm talking about. Still funny though.

If you're reading this blog, you likely read other blogs. I'd say you're probably on Twitter, maybe Facebook or LinkedIn…so I'm preaching to the choir on this point. But just in case the MidnightDBA Blog is your only link to the world of SQL Server professionals, understand my third meaning of "coding lonely": It is absolutely invaluable, imperative (and lots of other "i" words) that you CONNECT with your SQL community.  You have SO many options, and no excuses:

"We must all hang together, or most assuredly, we will all hang seperately." Ben Franklin had it right.

Happy days,

Jen McCown