SQL Yearbook

In my original post about the SQL Yearbook, I explained,

I’m making a SQL Yearbook, and I want you to be in it.

Since first writing this, I have realized that a “yearbook” is primarily an American phenomenon. M-W defines yearbook as “school publication that is compiled usually by a graduating class and that serves as a record of the year’s activities“.

So, a SQL Yearbook is a community publication that is compiled usually by a member of the community and that serves as a record of the year’s activities and participants.

Well, we did it! Many people signed up to be a part of the Yearbook, and some folks even sponsored for charity. I’ll post that link THIS WEEK, the week of PASS Summit 2018.

SQL Yearbook 2018

It’s here! Download your copy of the SQL Yearbook 2018:

SQL Yearbook 2018 – full version (PDF)

SQL Yearbook 2018 – shorter version (PDF)

Important: Feel free to print, hand out, redistribute, whatever you like…with attribution! And please do not alter or commercialize the Yearbook! That’s not what it’s for!  For more license detail, see the license below.

Creative Commons License
SQL Yearbook 2018 by MinionWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

You may download this works and share with others freely, as long as you provide attribution. You may not change this work in any way or use it commercially.

Based on a work at MidnightDBA.com/Jen/sql-yearbook/.

Questions about permissions beyond the scope of this license? Write Jen@MidnightDBA.com.

To attribute, use:

“SQL Yearbook 2018” by Jennifer McCown of MinionWare is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

P.S. This page will eventually redirect to SQLYearbook.com, but we haven’t done anything with that yet!