Tag: TSQL2sday

T-SQL Tuesday #016: Aggregates and Windowing Functions and Ranking! Yum!

Let’s get this out of the way right now: I am SO going to take advantage of this T-SQL Tuesday on aggregates to talk about OVER() and PARTITION BY. Aggregates and OVER go together like french fries and catsup…sure, you can have them apart, but together they’re just magical. Note: If you’re not at all familiar […]

T-SQL Tuesday #014 Roundup

Wow…the inagural 2011 T-SQL Tuesday was so big, it lasted a week! A few quick observations, then on to the blog posts: According to my terribly scientific observations of T-SQL Tuesday, the third most common techie resolution for 2011 is MCM prep!  The number two most common techie resolution is….Learning Powershell. As well it should […]

T-SQL Tuesday: Resolutions

In my invitation to T-SQL Tuesday #014, I picked the topic “Resolutions”, clearly to play on the new year.  The only thing I have right now that could count as a New Year’s resolution is the RTFM365 project…it’s certainly going to take some stick-to-it-iveness to finish out a year of reading from BOL every day. […]