USE master; go -- Create log table in master (or in your DB admin database): IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.tables WHERE name = 'Logspace' ) CREATE TABLE dbo.Logspace ( DatabaseName SYSNAME , LogSizeMB FLOAT , LogSpaceUsedPct FLOAT , StatusNum INT , Logdate DATETIME DEFAULT ( GETDATE() ) ); GO ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.GetLogSpace @reportOnly BIT = 1, @retentionDays INT = 730 /* Source: Jen McCown, Purpose: Log the current log space free/used in the table dbo.Logspace. Example execution: EXEC dbo.GetLogSpace; EXEC dbo.GetLogSpace @reportOnly = 0; -- Insert the logspace data (default 2 year retention) EXEC dbo.GetLogSpace @reportOnly = 1; -- Just select the current logspace data. EXEC dbo.GetLogSpace @reportOnly = 0, @rententionDays = 365; -- Insert the logspace data (1 year retention) Discussion: You could schedule this to run every day/week/month, to track log usage over time. Or you could just run the report to see the current usage. This SP has a default log retention of 2 years; log data will only be deleted when a new logged run is executed. Note that I'm NOT advocating the shrinking of log files willy nilly. Your logs need room to breathe, and if they regularly take up 150Gb, they probably need 150Gb. In the cases where you've missed log backups on a FULL mode database, you need to back up that log, then (MAYBE) shrink the log file to a more reasonable size. *** TL;DR: Don't habitually shrink log files! *** Use and/or modify this script at your own discretion. */ AS IF @reportOnly = 0 BEGIN INSERT INTO dbo.Logspace ( DatabaseName , LogSizeMB , LogSpaceUsedPct , StatusNum ) EXEC sp_executesql N'dbcc sqlperf(logspace)'; DELETE dbo.LOGSPACE WHERE Logdate < ( GETDATE() - @retentionDays ); SELECT DatabaseName , LogSizeMB , LogSpaceUsedPct , LogSizeMb - (LogSizeMb * LogSpaceUsedPct / 100) AS LogSpaceUNUSEDmb , SUM(LogSizeMb - (LogSizeMb * LogSpaceUsedPct / 100)) OVER ( ) AS LogSpaceUNUSEDmb_TOTAL , StatusNum , Logdate FROM dbo.LOGSPACE WHERE logdate = ( SELECT MAX(logdate) FROM dbo.LOGSPACE ) ORDER BY LogSpaceUNUSEDmb DESC; END ELSE BEGIN CREATE TABLE #Logspace ( DatabaseName SYSNAME , LogSizeMB FLOAT , LogSpaceUsedPct FLOAT , StatusNum INT ); INSERT INTO #Logspace ( DatabaseName , LogSizeMB , LogSpaceUsedPct , StatusNum ) EXEC sp_executesql N'dbcc sqlperf(logspace)'; SELECT DatabaseName , LogSizeMB , LogSpaceUsedPct , LogSizeMb - (LogSizeMb * LogSpaceUsedPct / 100) AS LogSpaceUNUSEDmb , SUM(LogSizeMb - (LogSizeMb * LogSpaceUsedPct / 100)) OVER ( ) AS LogSpaceUNUSEDmb_TOTAL , StatusNum , NULL AS Logdate FROM #Logspace ORDER BY LogSpaceUNUSEDmb DESC; DROP TABLE #Logspace; END GO EXEC dbo.GetLogSpace @reportOnly = 1;