Mexican Beef Soup This is a great soup that pretty easy to make, and it's not thickened in the least.  It's got a lovely piece of really tender roast beef  in the bowl along with rice, or potatoes and any veg you like.  The broth is really beefy and you can…

Paris Soup This is a wonderful soup where everything is done from scratch so it's a little bit of trouble, but it's more than worth it.  We call this Paris soup because we were staying by Paris for a month with the family a couple years ago and this is a…

Old-World Tomato Soup I'm calling this old-world tomato soup because of the way the French originally thickened things like bisque.  Bisque was originally (and with many classically trained chefs) thickened with rice instead of roux.  So we're going to thicken our tomato soup with brown rice instead of roux or cornstarch.  Now,…