
Here are a few words before the break.  News and morning-after updates after the break.

I had some fun on Twitter tonight with a troll, but then he blocked me….RIGHT when we were having fun!

DrivingMSSQL Jason Love
Apparently if you blog about anything #sqlserver you get to be an #mvp Seriously some chick and her husband passed out where to go #sqlpass

DrivingMSSQL Jason Love
#mvp status used to hold legacy, now if you print out a cheat sheet where to hangout afterwards at #sqlpass you are an #mvp @SQLSoldier

Huh. If I had known that’s how to get my MVP, I’d have done it YEARS ago!

Thought I’d post here – because this is NOT going on the show (the asshole doesn’t deserve the publicity) – a couple of screenshots. And next time I speak in Houston, I’ll have one very, VERY special friend to make.

For your enjoyment, ze tweets:



And just for good measure…


Charming, no? After he blocked me, and after a little more witty repartee’ with some #sqlfamily, he changed the name associated with his account and made it private (or removed it altogether, hard to tell).  But I’ve spoken with some people in Houston who’ve met him personally – Yes, Virginia, there IS a Jason Love, and he’s from Houston.

No, I don’t want to contact this guy’s employer. He did a reasonably good job of separating himself from them, and I don’t believe that being an incredible asshole on the internet deserves to lose you your job. Generally speaking.  No, I’m probably not going to do much else with him…with any luck, he’s just a REALLY stupid drunk, and that’s the end of it all.

But you can bet your ass I’ll be keeping an eye out, and this guy’s never making it into Inappropriate PASS, or anything else we ever do. Jason: Consider your stupid drunk self blacklisted.

10/19 12:25pm Aaaand then he jumps the shark.

Okay then. Let’s talk.

Response! And answer.

Isn’t the suspense just killing you?

5 thoughts on “#SQLIdiot

  • First…..I love you and your ability to properly use grammar and speak the English language (your opponent is far less skilled). Second…..if there is an MVP for Summit handouts – you should be the first one because your cheat sheet was really helpful :-)

    Someone clearly has some MVPness envy, and has not finished sobbing in his beer. Can we get an address to send some sour grapes his way?

    total <3

    • Thak you very muck~\

      As for contact? Naaaaah….he has no blog. I’ve already sent the pertinent info to interested organizations. I’m back to not wanting to give this guy any more of the spotlight.

    • That’s my gut feel as well. He’s possibly been passed over as an MVP, or passed over for something he wanted in favour of an MVP.

      He may have left Jen’s name out initially, but he sure tore into anyone who asked him what was wrong, and certainly not in an anonymous way.

      I do worry about him coming to the next PASS Summit, which he stated he will. Do some of us have to worry about him ambushing in the corridors or trying to verbally bomb our sessions?

      Command of the English Language? J managed to misspell at least one word in every single tweet he sent me. I was contemplating offering him a copy of the Oxford English Dictionary in return for his ‘baby can read’ book (which I don’t even see the reason for, he was complaining about my accent and speaking ability, not my ability to read). Ah well….

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