Category: UnSQL

Speakers Lessons Learned at SQLRally Code Sins

This is my contribution to UnSQL Friday #004: Speaker Lessons Learned. I got my SQLRally session evaluation back last week. I’d given my Code Sins session, and got 84 (that’s eight-four!!!) evals back.  Overall I got very high marks: a session average of 4.648 out of 5, which is 93%.  I got an A!  Comments […]

Un-SQL Friday #004: Speaker Lessons Learned

I began writing a story about, shall we say, a less than positive speaking experience…and then I realized: This is an Un-SQL Friday topic if ever there was one! I hereby declare this Friday Un-SQL Friday. While T-SQL Tuesday is “…the SQL Server blogosphere’s first recurring, revolving blog party….on the chosen [SQL-related] topic,” UN-SQL Friday […]

Blowing Kisses: Un-SQL Friday #003 Roundup

We at MidnightDBA sure do love a blog party, and what’s better than a blog party about love? I invited the internetz to show some love: Assignment: Write a blog that tells us about a company (or more than one) that you think is doing the right thing.  You can take that and run with it […]