Category: PASS Summit

SQL work-vacation, Thursday! (#Workation #PASSSummit)

Hello yet again! I’ve been writing about our time this week in Seattle, for the PASS Summit. Saturday, I wrote that we’re here in Seattle for the PASS Summit, and that it’s my tenth year. AND that I’m doing daily “letters home” to you fine folk, just like I’m away at summer camp. Monday, I wrote about Sunday’s laziness,  Monday’s Freecon […]

SQL work-vacation, Monday (#Workation #PASSSummit)

Hello again! Sunday, I wrote that we’re here in Seattle for the PASS Summit, and that it’s my tenth year. AND that I’m doing daily “letters home” to you fine folk, just like I’m away at summer camp. We’re still just a day or three away from the start of the Summit itself, depending on how you […]

SQL work-vacation, T-2 days (#Workation #PASSSummit)

We are at PASS Summit 2018 in Seattle, and I will write a bit about each day I’m here, just because it might be useful. Or, in a year or two, nostalgic. Or just to have something like letters from camp: “Hi there, internet friends, today at camp it rained some more, and I talked to 30 new friends, and I got a squishy stress ball from the vendor in the next booth…”