Category: Community

Announcing Inappropriate PASS Sessions 2011, which we are renaming P.U.S.S. Inappropriate Sessions, and which will be full of AWESOME

Update to the update: We raised over $1,000 for via this event, which is over 1,000 kinds of awesome. Proof here. UPDATE: The PUSS Inappropriate Sessions party is SOLD OUT! If you’d like to get on the last-minute wait list, fill out the survey below.  And if you’d like to donate to PROJECT C.U.R.E., you can […]

SQL Education

They always used to tell us that education is important. Education is (They said) key, in fact.  We as a technical community apparently agree with Them, because we’ve devoted countless hours to writing and reading blogs, articles, books, abstracts, bios, and technical sessions. We’ve spent even more hours attending those sessions at user group meetings, […]

Important InapproPASS Survey

We’re planning this year’s Inappropriate PASS Sessions party this year, and we need your input. InapproPASS is a now-annual party to demonstrate the kind of sessions and humor that aren’t, and shouldn’t be, allowed at the PASS Summit. This is our chance to get gross, verbally abusive, and generally offensive amongst our peers. Think of […]