Category: NonSQL

Quick Thoughts on Learning

I’m looking for the attribution for a quote – it’s something I first heard from Sean, and we say it all the time: You never understand a thing until you teach it.  Along the way, I found this: We learn more by looking for the answer to a question and not finding it than we […]

T-SQL Tuesday #13–A Business Walks Into a Bar….

Hello and welcome to the December 2010 edition of T-SQL Tuesday. This month’s host is Steve Jones (blog|twitter) of SQLServerCentral, who poses the question: “What issues have you had in interacting with the business to get your job done”. Oh…oh, well then.  Stop me if you’ve heard these… Did you hear the one about the BA […]

Un-SQL Friday 001: Branding

In the spirit of T-SQL Tuesday, I hereby declare this Friday Un-SQL Friday. While T-SQL Tuesday is “…the SQL Server blogosphere’s first recurring, revolving blog party….on the chosen [SQL-related] topic,” UN-SQL Friday is a completely intermittant blog party about something SQL-adjacent. (This, by the way, sort of sums up the theme of a lot of […]