Category: Beginner

Forgotten T-SQL Cheat Sheet

You’ve seen the blog, you’ve downloaded the code…you even watched the 24HOP session recording…now own the Forgotten T-SQL Cheat Sheet! Yessir, this handy-dandy reference sheet includes the Logical Processing Order of SELECT, shorthand for recursive CTEs and MERGE, the famous list-of-details XML trick, and more! And it’s yours, for only $199.99! FREE!  Why? Because we […]

New Hotness: sys.objects and sys.schemas

Last month we talked about the old and busted syscomments– and the new hotness that is sys.sql_modules – for pulling code out of your database using T-SQL.  I’m finally transitioning over to sql_modules for good, even though I’d been a slow adopter.  This month, though, I’m already in SQLlove with the new hotness: sys.objects. The old sysobjects […]