Category: Beginner

N Things Worth Knowing About SELECT

SELECT is our bedrock, our foundation, our now-and-forever T-SQL multitasker…and it’s one of the most complicated structures available to us.  Here are a few things worth knowing about it, from the basic to the obscure.  More-or-Less Basic Structure There’s tons more that can go into the SELECT statement, of course, but the basic structure is:  WITH […]

Demo: What’s the difference between CHAR and VARCHAR?

Content level: Beginner / refresher At last week’s SQL Saturday 41 Atlanta, I gave my TSQL Beginner’s Kit session in the last time slot of the day, to deafening applause and accolades. Actually, there were about 12 of us in the room, and we had a really good time.  One of the more popular items in […]