Category: Dev

Code that writes code

Code that writes code it one of the best productivity tips I can give you.  And no, I’m not talking about ORMs. I’m specifically talking about YOU writing a query, which writes one or more queries. The example I’ll give today is changing database file growth rates. If I want to change the DB file growth […]

Management Studio Shortcut – Change Connection

One of the most common things I do within SSMS is to change connection for the current query editor window, from one SQL Server instance to another: I’m a huge fan of keyboard shortcuts (see exhibit 1, exhibit 2, and exhibit 3). So let’s create a shortcut for “Change Connection” today. The basic method for creating keyboard shortcuts is: […]

CROSS JOIN for fun

My son, who wishes to be known as “Pigeon” for the duration of this blog, was mixing the names of Hogwarts houses over a game of chess* with his brother: “ONE MILLION POINTS TO GRYFFINPUFF!” So I said, “Hey guys, I’m going to do a nerdy thing with my database skillz and then show you, okay? […]