Category: Intermediate

MERGE Statement Corrected, or, How to Eat Crow in Public

I have no excuse, none whatsoever. In my T-SQL Brush-Up presentation to the North Texas SQL Server User Group (NTSSUG) in September – and again in the T-SQL Brush-Up 24HOP session I gave that same day – I mentioned that you can only have one WHEN NOT MATCHED clause in a MERGE statement (as per SQL […]

Ground Zero Database Design: Part 2

Last week I wrote Ground Zero Database Design, thinking that was a good enough bare-bones intro (with recommended reading!) that I could leave the subject alone for a while. Then I went looking through my blog ideas folder, and found this: DB design note:A column must mean what it means always, not just in steps […]

Forgotten T-SQL Cheat Sheet

You’ve seen the blog, you’ve downloaded the code…you even watched the 24HOP session recording…now own the Forgotten T-SQL Cheat Sheet! Yessir, this handy-dandy reference sheet includes the Logical Processing Order of SELECT, shorthand for recursive CTEs and MERGE, the famous list-of-details XML trick, and more! And it’s yours, for only $199.99! FREE!  Why? Because we […]