Category: Tech and Learning

Fun with PowerShell: I made a game

So we got to playing around with PowerShell last week – one son is making a game hack, and the other is making a game, both with PowerShell.  So I decided to get in on the fun. I wasn’t feeling particularly creative, so I stole the idea of (ahem) that game where you plug in names […]

Regular Expressions: tagging expressions

I re-discovered something very cool while using RegEx in SSMS today: tagging expressions and referencing them in the same line! I’ll take a minute to define regular expressions, explain tagged expressions, and then show you how to use it in the same line. But first, XKCD: Regular Expressions defined “A regular expression, regex or regexp [is]… a sequence of characters that define a search pattern. Usually this pattern […]

sqlhelp: limit the x-axis of a geometry line graph

I have a #sqlhelp question that requires some code. So hey, blog post time! TL;DR: the geometry::STGeomFromText graph provides too wide a range for the X-axis, for a large variance of Y-axis values. Is there a way to limit the X-axis range? Update: We have an answer! Thanks MJ! Yeah, the spatial results tab is pretty […]