Category: Powershell

Quick Tip: Navigating to a UNC within SQLPS

I’ve been getting a funky error with a new Powershell script, running as a SQL Agent job step. Let’s pretend for the moment that the script is simply “cd \\backup\SQL; dir *.bak” The error information returned by PowerShell is: ‘Cannot find path ‘\\backup\SQL’ because it does not exist. The script I have runs fine manually in Powershell, […]

T-SQL Tuesday #40 Roundup: Files and Filegroups

Good day all, and happy T-SQL Tuesday #40! Yes, this event has officially hit middle age now. I fully expect it’ll go get itself a fast car in the upcoming months. We had a great turnout for this month. “Files and Filegroups” is an open enough topic that I got exactly what I wanted: A nice variety […]

Install .NET Framework using #Powershell (#TSQL2sday!)

One of the really great things about being married to an MCM is that I can steal recycle his blogs, blame-free. Which is what I shall do today. Sean wrote a great blog post in 2010 entitled “Today’s Powershell Fun“. Long and short, he shows you how to install the .NET Framework with Powershell, which you […]