PASS Summit 2009 Countdown: 5 Days

I can't believe I haven't mentioned this before now, but in addition to the learning, networking, partying, sightseeinggiveawaying, teaching, and blogging we'll be doing at the PASS Summit next week, Sean and I will also be recording new DBAs @ Midnight videos with some big names! 

Now I know the feedback on our DBAs@Midnight format has been a bit hot and cold, but (a) we're still playing with format, and (b) this is gonna be awesome.  We've got these big names & kind hearts booked to film with us, talking about some great topics. 

Lovely, kind, courageous, intelligent, and very nattily dressed, one and all.  We are SO excited to be able to do this!

"Sure", you say, "but what are you doing for me today?"  Today my friend, I bring you the resources I've been looking through just today (it's been a big read-y day for me). Please to enjoy:

Happy days, one and all.

-Jen McCown
Blogging for


The 10 Minute Book Review: Software Testing with Visual Studio Team System 2008

So okay, testing isn't sexy. It's a lot more fun to read about the new encryption featuers in SQL 08, or PowerShell 2.0, or how much awesomer Windows 7 is than Vista.  But good testing will bring sexy back!


  • Software Testing with Visual Studio Team System 2008 by N Satheesh Kumar and Subashni S
  • £15.39 (ebook, PDF download) on, $39.20 (paperback) on
  • Published December 08 by Packt Publishing, 256 pages

Chapters and a few very quick notes:

  • Chapter 1 covers the basics of testing. This is a good little 101 for those of us who weren't formally schooled in testing, and/or have landed in shop after shop that thinks "testing" and "compiling" are synonymous. 
    We jump into the team system testing tools intro (and test templates) with an example, and I do love the examples.
  • Chapter 2: Unit Testing
  • Chapter 3: Web Testing – Creating and recording, editor, debug/run
  • Chapter 4: Advanced Web Testing – Dynamic parameters, debugging, custom rules, testing web services
  • Chapter 5: Load Testing
  • Chapter 6: Manual, Generic, and Ordered Tests
  • Chapter 7: Managing and Configuring the Test
  • Chapter 8: Deploying and Running Tests
  • Chapter 9: Command Line
  • Chapter 10: Working with Test Results
  • Chapter 11: Reporting

Overall, this is a good intro and reference to testing with Visual Studio Team System.  I saw some critiques of the writing style and language, but I have to say I didn't find anything at all wrong with either aspect.  More advanced coders and testers may need something meatier, but for a lower to mid-level book on testing with VSTS, I think this is a good buy.

-Jen McCown,

PASS Summit 2009 Countdown: 7 days

I've been in databases for something like 9 years, and I've never been to a PASS Summit.  I haven't been really involved in the SQL community at all until this year, when a combination of factors has me revved up about SQL and networking. To list a few of those things: I'm back at work after a couple of years being a full time mom. I'm on the planning committee for the North Texas SQL Server User Group's 2010 SQL Saturday (our first ever).  I'm co owner and videomaker at  I got on Twitter and started following and talking to other SQL DBAs, authors, and MVPs.  And then of course, there's the Quest-sponsored contest that ran in September.  I completely threw myself into that, and won!

For kicking butt (and being lucky enough to have my name drawn), I get to go to PASS, and I get my very own netbook (which I'm using to type this blog).  Now to quote from the contest information page:

Your community involvement doesn’t stop after you win, though: your responsibility is just beginning.  You’ll be part of a team that’s working to bring the PASS Summit to people who can’t attend.  Quest will give you a netbook with WiFi, and each day you’ll be responsible for posting at least one blog entry on SQLServerPedia about your experience at PASS. 

PASS doesn't start for another week, but as it turns out, there's an awful lot of PASS experience in the leadup, if you know where to look.  Here's enough to keep you busy for a couple of days plus:

  • First off, you can get a lot from the chatter and blog announcements on Twitter. Go search for your favorite SQL author, blogger, and/or MVP on Twitter, and follow them.  There's all kinds of news and trivia and fun to be had.  Alternatly, you could just go follow MidnightDBA on Twitter and take a look at my follow list.
  • Watch Selected 24 Hours of PASS Recordings: Get a preview of some of our PASS Summit 2009 Pre/Post-Conference sessions!


-Jen McCown
Blogging for