Follow Friday: Lori Edwards!

Boy, we haven’t had a spotlight-style blog since December’s post on Wendy Pastrick.  Far too long. 

For those of you not on Twitter, we tweety-folk have little rituals and understandings among ourselves.  One age-old tradition dating back to the time of our forefathers (so, sometime in 2009) is Follow Friday, marked with the hashtag #FF.  Just for funsies, let’s have our own #FF here in blogland, too.

I'm not at all implying that Lori smells.

#FF From the SQL Twitter Community

This week’s MidnightDBA #FF is awarded to @LoriEdwards, a 7 year SQL DBA (LinkedIn) and SQLPASS volunteer. She  blogs at with her husband Tim, making her the third of three SQL couples we know of: us, them, and the Tripps (Paul and Kimberly).

Lori has five kids. Five. I thought my three took up a lot of time, but she has five. Wow. And they sound awesome, btw: “My 12 y.o. is running for student council president on a ninja/pizza platform. I see great things in his future 🙂   It actually read ‘Patrick will fight for truth, justice, all ninjas and pizzas”. That’s my boy :)”

But that’s not what earned her this #FF, oh no. It was this:

[discussion of fire drill]

Allen Kinsel (@sqlinsaneo): Apparently you’re supposed to call HR before calling 911, because thats what Id do if I were dying

Lori: I think the proper order when injured or dying is: Tweet, post to FB, call HR and then call 911

Me: What about LinkedIn?

Lori: Nah – linkedin is boring work stuff. It doesn’t play well with i 7HInk I’m h@viNg @ He@r7 @77@Ck

Lori, you’re a cool bean. Thanks for all you do.

So folks, if you know something awesome about Lori, leave a note in the comments!

Happy days,
Jen McCown