Development Cycle and Second Grade English

My coworker Steve just sent this to our entire team, along with a picture of his adorable 7 year old daughter holding her whiteboard:

The below is a true story, and is why we need to follow process.

Tonight my 7 year old daughter had an assignment to put her spelling words in alphabetical order.  She chose to “develop in production” (write directly on the final sheet) which led to items out of order.  I told her to “roll it back” (erase), and follow the correct process which would go something like this.  Develop on her white board, Test it by checking herself, then get UAT from me.  Then she can release to production.  This was a good plan until I realized that because she developed, tested it herself, and released to production that she was not SOX or socks compliant. 

Next time I’ll make sure Michael releases to test.

I read this to my 10 year old daughter, and I said, “Like when you do a book report on a poster, if you do everything on your final poster and mess it up…” and she interrupted to say “I remember that Walt Disney report I had, it was SO MUCH WORK.”  You'remissingthepointdear… Thanks Steve.

-Jen McCown,