Notes on Activity Monitor and Resource Locks

We had a big system slowdown today, and one of the things I did was to open up Activity Monitor (in SQL Server MS 05, it's under Management in the object explorer) and take a look at blocking. One of my blocked SPIDs showed this in the Resources column:

TAB 12:1957582012:0

I know TAB means table lock, but for some reason I couldn't pull my head out on the numbers.  "This is important…this means something!"  I tried running that big middle number through object_name() and got nothing back, so I turned to my faithful friend, Twitter.  Twitter knows all.

I'd forgotten to actually USE the appropriate database when looking for my object_name. So for your edification, here's what you should do:

select db_name(12)
use <whatever database name came up>
select object_name(1957582012)

Furthermore, here's a few of the things I searched on before I went to the people who know stuff. I'm hoping by including these that it'll give direction to someone else who, like me, didn't quite know what they were Googling for.

sql server determine TAB KEY : address
sql server determine table by internal address
sql server read table address space
activity monitor resource locks
blocking in activity monitor and resources

Now, I just have to figure out what to do with "KEY: 12:72057594047889408 (bb0040032d41)"….

-Jen McCown,