SQLPASS Summit Wednesday Keynote – Part 1

I know I mostly skipped a day, but I'll have to post it later…falling behind.  This morning we were up at 7, eating at 7:30, and interviewing Brian Knight at 8.  I'm mostly listening to the keynote and following along in Twitter, so today's blog will be Twitter driven.

I missed the recognition portion of the morning keynote…but I did get to see Grant Fritchey (@GFritchey) in a kilt.


Announcements: Women in Technology lunch – inspiring women to pick a career in technology. We bought my daughter a computer at age 5, so I think we're aligned in purpose.

Another announcement: MVP Deep Dives book, a compliation of something like 50 full chapters by MVPs, on sale today. They'll also have a book signing. Book sales benefit WarChild.org.


And now, introducing Tom Casey, General Manager, Microsoft.

@sqlfool: Tom says that only 20% of business users have the data they need to do their job effectively. Call to arms to improve that number #sqlpass

Talking about customers, product, stressing a new class of experiences tht we need to bring to the users.  What? (Hey, these are my notes, and it's what I thought.)

– How foundations can enable you to emerge stronger
– Bring experiences and agility
– Be more effective and efficient
– And how you can continue to do those things using SQL Server, SharePoint, and Office.


Intro: Ron Van Zant, company is Premiere Bank Card. THey issue MasterCards.  20% growth thsi year.

@mrdenny: Doing a quick customer testimonial from Ron VanZanten from First premier bank.

@pinaldave: At #sqlpass I just learned that in recession credit card usage is increased and credit company did very well – I wonder why ? 🙂

By the way, that's TOTALLY what I thought. They played the song "What I like about you" as the customer testimonial guy walked offstage. Life is in the details…

@AdamMachanic: #sqlpass Where is David DeWitt when you need him? Come on, give us something interesting, not a bunch of marketing.


@BrentO: Yesterday's #sqlpass keynote theme: ponytails. Today: blue shirts.

@AdamMachanic: #sqlpass Last five minutes in short: "New technology is cool" <– And air is good! (Me.)


Tom Casey spent some time talking about THAT guy. Lots of comments on that.
@KeKlein  Tom Casey "Let's find a way to work with THAT GUY" #sqlpass
GFritchey: That guy! I hate that guy! #sqlpass
SQLDBA: Ooooo, I hate "that guy" #sqlpass


There's a box on the right side of the stage, under a blanket. Commentary:

Me: You following at home: What's in the box? (Right side of stage.) #sqlpass http://twitpic.com/o9950

@BenchmarkIT  so what do YOU think is under the black blanket??? 😀 #sqlpass (keynote)

@SQLChicken: remember it IS an Microsoft event so it could be malaria-carrying mosquitoes #sqlpass

@tjaybelt: its a flat screen covered up and camouflaged. if i look directly at it, it seems to disapear


Moving right along…

BrentO: New sexy #sqlpass phrase – "spreadmarts."

BillInKC: Spreadmarts, never heard that before but I'm going to use it religiously #sqlpass
 @mrdenny: New phrase "spreadmarts". Spreadsheets which are data marts. I love the word. #sqlpass