Need Speakers & Sponsors for Dallas SQL Saturday!

We’re holding our first SQL Saturday event in Dallas on May 22, 2010. 

I'm in charge of getting this great event sponsored, so if your company (or one you know) is interested in sponsoring, shoot me an email at and I'll get you the details double-quick. We're expecting over 400 attendees (and I wonder if we're underestimating), so it's a great opportunity for some excellent IT exposure.  Of your company. And product. Not you. You know what I mean.

Sean is in charge of speakers, and he's sent out the official call: If you're going to be in Dallas, or would like to be, on May 22, then send an abstract directly to Sean at by Feb 15 and we’ll get you going.

On a personal note, I've never been involved in planning something this big, and this full of win. There's a lot of work that goes into it, but it's also really cool to see a big event start to come together on paper.  And believe me, kids…SQL Saturday #35 is alreay chock full of win!  I'm really excited…this will bring Dallas a lot of free training, networking, and swag.  It'll be great for the user group, too: we're really ramping up for 2010 overall, with some cool NTSSUG events in addition to SQL Saturday.  Hint: The January user group meeting should be wicked cool…

More details to come, so watch this space, the N Texas User Group webpage, and and the official SQL Saturday #35 page at!  Your homework:

  1. Get me in touch with your company for SQL Saturday sponsorship info –
  2. Get your abstract together and send it to Sean –
  3. Register for SQL Saturday #35
  4. RSVP and mark your calendar for the January North Texas User Group meeting (it's on on January 21).

Bonne beurre, 

Jen McCown