SQL Server Musical Contest

Let me say from the start that this is a total ripoff of Brent Ozar's SQL Server TV Show Contest, and I don't care. Imitation, flattery, all that jazz.

This morning a few of us on Twitter were talking, like ya do, when Tim Ford (@sqlagentman) and Thomas LaRock (@sqlrockstar) sparked off a little burst of creativity with this:

  • @sqlagentman: New presentation planned for #SQLSat31 for beginners. Mashup of Dr. Seuss, Schoolhouse Rock, and SQL.
  • @sqlrockstar: oh yeah? I was thinking of doing a mash of "Mama Mia" and "Tommy" for my next talk.

So here's the deal: Reply in comments with your best SQL musical title and a little description. Please note that comments are moderated to keep out the spam; when you submit, your comment will appear to disappear for a while.

The best one entered by Tursday, March 18 wins "Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2008: T-SQL Querying" by Itzik Ben-Gan, Lubor Kollar, Denjan Sarka, and Steven Kass.  I'll start…

Phantom of the OPENROWSET – Evil haunts the OLEDB connections when rows appear that aren't persisted to disk…

Um. I made mine purposefully lame to encourage you. Yeah…yeah, go ahead and redo Phantom, somebody…

Happy days,
Jen McCown
