We’re in yer bookz, givin our perspektivz

Charity is awesome. SQL is awesome. Books are awesome.  A SQL book for charity is pure liquid #BACONWIN!  SQL Server MVP Deep Dives, benefitting WarChild.org, is such a book*.

And the good folk at the SQL Perspectives blog – Jeremy Lowell, Chris Shaw, and Richard Rodriguez – are adding more bacon to the awesomeness in the form of a chapter by chapter perspective on Deep Dives, complete with guest bloggers. *Ahem*  Like yours truly, for example. My blog on Chapter 5, Itzik Ben-Gan's "Gaps and Islands", was just published this morning. You know, if you feel like reading about an awesome chapter, in an awesome book, written by an awesome guy (meaning Itzik, not me, though I'm pretty cool too).  *Ahem*

Read the perspectives. Buy the book. You'll win karma points, knowledge, and the enjoyment of an excellent book, well written for a good cause.

Happy, charitable days,
Jen McCown

* Footnote: "Responding to BillG’s MVP Summit challenge to “Do philanthropy where you are,” The SQL Server MVP Deep Dives book is a collaboration of 53 MVPs sharing their expertise and passion for SQL Server. This is an all-volunteer book. All author proceeds are going to WarChild.org – an organization that helps children traumatized by war. Because this is a book for charity, Manning Publications wanted to also donate and gave us a higher than normal royalty. In addition, if you purchase the book through this link: www.SQLServerMVPDeepDives.com then the purchase will also count toward Warchild's Manning affiliate account and Warchild will receive an extra 10% of the purchase." –Paul Nielsen