6 thoughts on “SQLSat35 Extracurricular Discussion

  1. Bill Fellows

    @billinkc here. I’ll miss the festivities Saturday night but I’d love to meet and eat with any and everyone that is up for it Friday night. I’ll be staying at the Mariott and only been to Texas once so I’m open to “whatever” Look forward to meeting y’all

  2. Wes Brown

    I’ll be there friday eve if you want to grab a bite to eat. I’m staying in the hotel recommended you can tweet me or email me admin /at/ wesworld /dot/ net

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  4. Made2Mentor

    I’ll be running around all day like a crazy man helping out. 🙂

    Seriously though, I can’t wait to finally meet so many of the SQL Folks that I’ve talked to over the past two years.


  5. Bill Fellows

    For people staying at the Marriott and interested in eating and hanging out, how about the lobby 7ish? Heading out for a run to counteract the jetlag

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