Teched: Day One of Two (of Four)

Title explanation: TechEd is four days long, but we’re only here for two days. Clear? Groovy. 

You know THAT'S showing up on DBAs@Midnight!

 Sean and I drove down Saturday, then I spent Sunday morning trying not to die, and Sunday afternoon in the Windows Reviewers’ Workshop. I tweeted what I could from it – it was mostly nonNDA. And at the end of they day, they held a nice reception for us and presented us with pictures of ourselves, as characters from Avatar. Love it! Now, I should probably see the movie… 

Sean, Denny Cherry, Allen White, Arnie Rowland

Sunday evening, I crashed out early while Sean and Allen White (@sqlrunr) stayed up talking trash. Monday morning, we briefly visited the muffin-and-bread-and-juice carb bonanza buffet at the attendee breakfast, and then walked back to Starbucks for breakfast with friends. Which brings us to the present! 

I’m taking Sean’s strategy today…instead of picking what sessions I want to go see, I’m going to spend some serious face time with the guys in the chalk talks and suchlike. I’ll catch up on the sessions on the DVDs. 

Well, @BuckWoody just arrived, so I’m going to put down the netbook and actually talk to people. 

I hold Lil Buck IN MY HAND!

Happy days, 

Jen McCown