I’m going to make you love backups


This event is past, but you can watch the recording here!

On April 12 (11am Central time), I’m going to show you about two dozen ways to make your backups better, easier, faster, and more complete…using Minion Backup, of course.

Go ahead and register now.

minion backupBetter

You want to order your backups? Exclude one database? Just back up your read only databases at the end of the quarter? I’ll show you how to do all that, and of course more.


Of course we made Minion Backup plug-and-play…after all, this is the tool we use, at home and at client sites.

But even better, everything, including schedules, is table based. No more sorting through 9 different backup jobs to make sure that the new DB34 database has full backups on second Saturdays!


Did you know you can tune backups? If you did, pat yourself on the back…you’re in a slowly growing minority.

If you didn’t, today’s your lucky day! You can determine how many and what resources to throw at your backups to make them faster – and I’ll give you a big spoiler right here – that also makes your restores run faster.  You can learn all about that here in Sean’s Backup Tuning class (here’s the demo code), or you can get the highlights during my MB class…

…and hear about how to make your backup tuning dynamic!


Soooo…does your backup solution do everything?

  • Does it cover certificates?
  • Does it have tons of data logged to tables? Live insight, so you can see how far along any given backup is?
  • Does your backup solution automatically move and copy backup files?
  • How about retention, can you set backup file retention easily, and per database, and per backup type?

I’m telling you…you’re going to love this. Come by the session and see.

So did you register yet? Go ahead, I’ll wait.

See you there!

Happy days,