Category: Community

Feasel’s Grand Analysis of the PASS 600 mile radius rule

UPDATE: Last week, PASS announced an update to the 600 mile radius announcement: “…we will be piloting the 600-mile driving radius distance for events in North America beginning January 1, 2017. We will not include the back-to-back weekend restriction during this pilot…” Last month, PASS – the professional SQL organization that many of us are a member of […]

Issues and opinions on the PASS anti-harassment policy (#sqlpass)

PASS just published an anti-harassment policy reminder, quickly followed by a  blog by Wendy Pastrick (about a bad experience at last month’s conference, and why it took a while to report it). We’ve had some conversation on Twitter about it all, and a couple of jokes, and some back and forth. Here are a few related items, and […]

Just an idea: Bare Bones SQL

I’m reading Andy Warren’s excellent essay “Thoughts on raising funds and spending funds for PASS chapters”, and it’s bringing together a bunch of long-stewed thoughts. Simply: What if there’s room for “Bare Bones” SQL user groups? The bare bones basics of Bare Bones SQL For those who don’t want to read a huge essay, the […]