Category: Community

Blockades and ladders to learning new tech

It’s been a long time since I’ve been a true newbie to a technology. There are plenty of things I don’t use, don’t know, wouldn’t be able to do for a job, of course. But as a professional and a consultant, most of what you do is at least remotely tied to what you already […]

Beating Busy-ness: Consulting as a Feast

In addition to the actual work, which is great, a consultant also takes care of their own invoicing, taxes, contracts, status updates for various clients, etc., etc…all of the grease and gears that keep the engine of a company going.  Or, you know, they hire someone to do it, but either way it’s more stuff […]

Interviews with Great SQL People – Authors, MVPs, many more

I’m trying really hard to write a blog that goes over all the great #sqlpass interviews we’ve done, but work keeps happening. Pfft. If you didn’t know, we interview great folk at #sqlpass: @ItzikBenGan, @SQLRunr, @brianknight, @billramo, @GFritchey & more in 2009… Interviewed @mrdenny, @sirsql, @gfritchey, @way0utwest, @mark_AzureCAT at #sqlpass 2010… And so on. Find ALL […]