Category: Random helpfulness

Convince me to read books (WHERE LEN(argument) <= 140)

While you wait for my awesome upcoming blog on data exception notification with SSRS, let’s pursue a whim of mine. I want your techie book recommendations. Write me a tweet @MidnightDBA, or in the comments below, that compels me to read your book of choice. (Yes, you can recommend your own book.) But the tweet better […]

RSS Tuning Whitepaper notes and clarifications

This morning this caught my eye on Maximizing SQL Server Throughput with RSS Tuning (it came with a catchy SQLCAT logo!) So I clicked, I read, I downloaded and read some more. To summarize (BIG summary!), this paper says that in pre-2008 Windows server, the networking protocol stack didn’t scale well to multiple CPUs because […]

Attend the PASS Summit from Home, 2011 edition

Hidy-ho there, neighbors! This is an update of last year’s Attend the PASS Summit from Home blog. I’ll be updating this over the next few days, so keep your eyes out… You there, sitting in your cube and fuming at all the PASS Summit talk: you couldn’t talk your company into sending you to PASS this […]