Category: Random helpfulness

PowerShell for the Easily Frustrated N00b, or, “A Simple and Useful Command”

The stupid, stupid Windows search (Start Menu > Search) doesn’t work on one of my computers (running WinXP Pro).  Yes, I made sure to add the network location that holds my files, and yes, I rebuilt the file index. The damn thing still ignores everything and claims I don’t have any files, anywhere. Powershell to the […]

Great Tools for Formatting T-SQL

I have a big rant I add to….well, to every single SQL session I give. That rant is on formatting code. You see, (I say,) you can’t even begin to understand or optimize a query if it’s not formatted…and by “formattted”, I mean breaking out query clauses onto different lines, indenting column lists, etc etc. […]

Little Workaround in Report Manager

I had an issue this week in Report Manager. I was generating a report (we’ll call it General Widgets Report), and from there clicking a link to generate and export a subreport (say, Individual Widget Report). The problem with this is that it wipes out initial report and its parameters…so every single time, I had […]