Sean’s Famous Backup Tuning class!

Yes, you can tune your SQL Server backups!

Have you ever gotten tired of your 1TB database taking 4+ hrs to backup? Are you sick of having your users breathe down your neck for 2hrs because it’s taking too long to restore a DB? Worry no more! Here, Sean shows you some little known tricks, methods, and trace flags you can use to tune your backups just like you would a query.

Backups actually have kind of an execution plan that you can access if you know how, and knowing how to get the individual portions of your backup process down will allow you to knock 80% and even more off of your backup and restore time. I’m not holding anything back in this session. This is a method I’ve used for 15yrs to tune my backups and I’ve had great success with it!

This session was recorded at Dallas TechFest –

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