Tag Archives: Jobs

Security Theater

The biggest question I get about the Minion products is about security. People constantly tell me that a shop can’t implement Minion because it enables xp_cmdshell, whereas the SQL Server Maintenance Solution by Ola Hallengren doesn’t, so it’s naturally more secure. So in this post I’m going to show you, using both Minion and Ola’s routines, that what most people consider “more secure” is really just security theater. Now since the names of Ola’s routines change slightly, and the entire solution has kind of a long name, I’m going to refer to them collectively as SQLMaint. As well, I’m going to refer to the Minion suite of maintenance routines collectively as Minion.

For those of you who don’t know, Security Theater is when you have the appearance of security, but in reality you’re not secure at all. Your security measures are just for show. We see this everywhere, and it’s probably one of the main reasons that we’ve got so many data breaches happening all over the world. We’ve got admins making security decisions that they never bother testing, or never bother even questioning so while their intentions are good, they wind up with just the appearance of security. You’ll never be smarter than every hacker on the planet, but don’t get in your own way either.

So here I’m going to compare and contrast the methods that both Minion and SQLMaint use to perform their tasks and see which one is honestly more secure in your environment.

Let’s start by looking at how each product does its job.

Minion: Powershell and xp_cmdshell

First let’s look at Minion. The Minion tools use a combination of Powershell and xp_cmdshell inside SPs. Now, I’ve heard screams from some admins that Powershell isn’t secure because it could allow someone to do something inside SQL or the OS that they don’t have rights to do. This is called privilege escalation and it’s outright false. Powershell is a product like anything else. It has to follow security protocols the same as any other program. That means that there are no hooks inside Windows that notice when a Powershell script is running, and give it extra access. It simply runs under the context of the account that started the script. So Powershell is like any other scripting language from that respect. And if you’re accessing SQL Server from Powershell, then you’re still limited to your rights inside SQL itself. Powershell has no native way to access SQL so there’s no way for SQL to notice that Powershell is trying to connect and give it extra privileges. You access SQL from Powershell from one of 3 different methods: .net, sqlcmd, or invoke-sqlcmd.

Nobody has accused .net of privilege escalation, so making this call from Powershell wouldn’t do it either as you’re literally creating a .net framework object and connecting to SQL through any of those methods. And nobody thinks that sqlcmd gives you any extra rights either. You just connect to SQL and either use your AD account or your SQL account and you get the perms you’d have anyway. And of course, invoke-sqlcmd is just a Powershell wrapper for sqlcmd so there’s no extra security stuff going on in there either.

This is a good time to mention that Powershell is just a SQL client like anything else. SQL itself doesn’t even know Powershell exists. So when you connect to SQL through Powershell, as far as SQL is concerned, it might as well be SSMS, or Excel, or a website, or VBScript, or Python, etc. They’re all just clients and SQL doesn’t do anything special for any one of them. So the idea that Powershell leads to unintended privilege escalation is just that… it’s an idea. But it’s completely false. It has to follow the same security rules everything else does. And believe me, I really wish it would give me the rights to do things my personal account can’t.

Now does that mean that someone can’t fool Powershell into running under a different account so that it has more rights? Of course not. Hackers are smart. They’ve got all kinds of ways to get around things. But Powershell isn’t any less secure than VBScript, which comes on your box by default. So if they exploit a security mechanism they can use that exploit against Powershell or VBScript or even just batch file commands.

Second, the Minion tools use xp_cmdshell. By many admins this is considered to be a huge security hole. Why? Well in short the issue is definitely with privilege escalation. The issue isn’t with what they’re afraid the Minion tools are doing; they’re afraid of what someone else could do with xp_cmdshell enabled. Because with this enabled, someone could fairly easily access the OS layer and do all kinds of things under the SQL service account credentials.

SQLMaint: sqlcmd

SQLMaint works by calling sqlcmd from a job step. This is considered more secure because you don’t have to enable anything special outside of the default security configuration. However, I’m going to show you that this actually isn’t more secure, it can actually be considered less secure. So let’s get into it and I’ll show you what I mean.

xp_cmdshell is limited to sysadmins by default

Ok, we’ll start with xp_cmdshell. Let’s look at how you enable xp_cmdshell and the implications it has.

You implement xp_cmdshell by turning it on in sp_configure. This is an instance-level config so once it’s on, it’s on for all the DBs on that instance. Here’s the code you run to turn it on:

First you have to have ‘Show Advanced Options’ enabled.

Sp_configure ‘show advanced options’, 1


Sp_configure ‘xp_cmdshell’, 1


*Here’s something few people know. You actually only have to specify enough letters to make the option unique. So in the first command above you really only have to do this:

Sp_configure ‘show’, 1

If there were two options that started with ‘show’ you’d have to put enough letters in there to make it unique.


Now that it’s on, by default it’s only available to sysadmins. Nobody else can access xp_cmdshell in any way unless you give them access. And what does this mean in reality? It means that sysadmins have rights to do through xp_cmdshell what they’ve already got rights to do anyway. They’re really not getting any extra rights since most DBAs have full rights on the box anyway. And since xp_cmdshell runs under the context of the SQL service, then they’re running under whatever rights it has. This is one of the big reasons why it’s important to follow the least privilege rule for your service accounts. The other reason is because someone who knows the service account password could login under that account and do stuff and have their tracks completely covered. The threat doesn’t have to come from outside the company.

How to grant access to xp_cmdshell for non-sysadmins

You can give non-sysadmins rights to xp_cmdshell, but it takes an extra step. Since you don’t want just anyone running with full access, you have to define a proxy account. This proxy account provides the security context for all xp_cmdshell executions performed by non-sysadmins. This means that your non-sysadmins don’t automatically have unfettered access to anything on the OS or the network, because you’re going to make sure that the proxy account has only the rights it needs. You’re not going to make the proxy account an admin on any of your boxes. Here’s how you create the proxy:

EXEC sp_xp_cmdshell_proxy_account ‘Domain\ProxyLogin,’$$$$###MyStr0ngPassw0rd!@#!@#!!!’

And yes, it has to be an AD account… or at least a local Windows account (I would imagine). And the reason is simple. The only reason for running xp_cmdshell is to access OS-level things. The OS has nothing to do with SQL security so you need to pass it a Windows account. Now you can grant any non-sysadmin execute rights on xp_cmdshell.

The question is do you need to give non-sysadmins access to xp_cmdshell? I have to say that in my 20yrs in SQL, I think I can remember needing this only like once… maybe twice. The point is, that this is a lot like linked servers. The answer is almost always NO, unless there’s such a compelling reason that can’t be gotten around any other way. And that’s almost never. So in all but the strictest of circumstances, xp_cmdshell is only going to be available to your admins who have OS rights to do what they need anyway. Xp_cmdshell just makes it easier for them to code it.

The dangers of sqlcmd

Now let’s look at the method SQLMaint uses to launch its routines. Like I said, SQLMaint calls sqlcmd, which is an OS-level cmdline executable. So you have to have a way to make an OS-level call. And the way this is done is by using the command line job step type. So this job step type allows you to write any cmdline operation you need and it’ll run it for you, you guessed it, under the service account credentials. So by default this functionality is turned on and most people don’t even know it. And if you don’t know it’s there by default then how can you lock it down? The good news though is that only sysadmins have access to this type of job step by default. But anyone who has rights to alter jobs can make changes to the step.

So what does this mean for security vs security theater? Well, with xp_cmdshell you know you’re turning it on and you have to go out of your way to create the proxy and give non-sysadmins rights to it. So at every step of the way you’re aware of what’s going on. But with the job step you’re accepting the default config so anyone with the rights can come in and create a job with this job step and do something they’re not supposed to, or better yet, just alter the current job step in SQLMaint’s call.

Here’s a call I took for SQLMaint’s backup routine directly from its website:

sqlcmd -E -S $(ESCAPE_SQUOTE(SRVR)) -d master -Q “EXECUTE dbo.DatabaseBackup @Databases = ‘USER_DATABASES’, @Directory = ‘C:\Backup’, @BackupType = ‘FULL'” –b

The above command backs up the user DBs and this is the code that’s inside his command line job step. Now, what if I wanted to be malicious? I could easily open the job and alter it to do this:

sqlcmd -E -S $(ESCAPE_SQUOTE(SRVR)) -d master -Q “CREATE LOGIN [MyNewSALogin] with password = ‘StrongPassword’; EXEC master..sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = N’ MyNewSALogin ‘, @rolename = N’sysadmin’; EXECUTE dbo.DatabaseBackup @Databases = ‘USER_DATABASES’, @Directory = ‘C:\Backup’, @BackupType = ‘FULL'” -b

Ok, so I just gave myself sysadmin on this instance. And I know what you’re thinking. You have to have admin rights to be able to make this change. Well, that’s not even close to accurate. Not only can you have job manager perms, but you don’t have to have any of those perms. In fact, a regular user can make these types of changes with very minimal rights. Let me give you a scenario that’s not only possible, but is highly likely.

You have a production box that has lots of jobs on it. You have different groups that need to create, alter or manage these jobs because as the DBA team you don’t want to have to get involved every time one of these many jobs has an issue, or every time they need an update… because it happens a lot. So you give that app team rights to manage jobs. Here’s where the fun begins. There are multiple ways this can go wrong, but I’ll go with the simplest. All your user needs is 3 permissions inside msdb, and here they are:

grant select on sysjobs to [SecurityTest]
grant select, update on sysjobsteps to [SecurityTest]


I created a SecurityTest user and gave him access to msdb. Then I granted the perms above. Now the only thing the user has to do to recreate what I did above is run a simple update.

update sysjobsteps
set command = ‘CREATE LOGIN [MyNewSALogin] with password = ”StrongPassword”; EXEC master..sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = N” MyNewSALogin ”, @rolename = N”sysadmin”; ‘ + command
where job_id = ‘0C06625F-F518-4D86-9E5A-063AE8B9C4E4’
and step_name = ‘BackupDBs’


He can query sysjobs to get the list of jobs and find the one he’s interested in, and then update sysjobsteps to make the change. Now, the next time that job runs, he’ll have a sysadmin account. He’s then free to cover he tracks by removing the changes, and even give himself a couple backdoors in case someone discovers his new account. This can even include adding this type of code inside of other SPs or jobs so that if his rights are ever removed, they’ll be put back. And depending on how many instances run off of the same SQL service account, he could easily spread his access to every other server in your shop. And he doesn’t even have to be that smart to do it. This isn’t all that clever of a hack.

But you see what’s happened here, right? You wanted to give him rights to manage his jobs and you ended up giving him sa. And he didn’t need that many rights to do it. See, one of the misunderstandings is that the msdb tables are system tables. They’re not. They’re regular user tables, so you can easily update them directly.

Lock down sqlcmd!

But how do you protect against this? Well, the same way you did for xp_cmdshell. You create a proxy account and run those command line job steps under an account with much lesser rights. This way, even though someone might change the code the job runs, it’ll fail because the account won’t have the rights to make the change.

Security is a complicated animal with many facets, twists, turns, and pitfalls. And to say that one solution is more secure than another just because one of them uses a feature that’s turned off by default simply isn’t the case. I hope I’ve proven that turning on xp_cmdshell isn’t inherently bad, and I really hope you understand now that simply leaving it off doesn’t mean that you’re secure. In fact, I’d say you’re at greater risk because you’re not likely to have addressed this issue in your jobs. You’re merely engaging in Security Theater. You have to be a sysadmin to turn on xp_cmdshell and you have to give someone specific rights to run it after creating a proxy. But you could innocently give someone perms in msdb and give them the keys to the kingdom.

So I hope you start looking at the xp_cmdshell issue differently because it’s a wonderful feature that allows you to do some very cool things. And it lets Minion tools give you some really awesome functionality that you wouldn’t have otherwise.

Webcast: The Art and Science of Handling Recruiters

This is a repost from Jen’s blog.

Edit: This event has passed, but the “Handling Recruiters” recording is up! Enjoy.

Guys! We’re totally hosting our first DBARoadmap-sponsored webcast this week! Here are your details (updated to use LiveMeeting):

Who: Sean and Jen McCown, the MidnightDBAs (and you)

What: The Art and Science of Handling Recruiters, webcast complete with lecture, slides, FAQ, and pretty pretty pictures. At least 3 of those 4 guaranteed.

When: Thursday, August 23 at 11:30pm Central


Attend using Microsoft Office Live Meeting: https://www.livemeeting.com/cc/mvp/join?id=2PPTZ3&role=attend&pw=nh%28%22%244%28%7BB

Add to my Outlook Calendar: https://www.livemeeting.com/cc/mvp/meetingICS?id=2PPTZ3&role=attend&pw=nh%28%22%244%28%7BB&i=i.ics


Recruiters have the inside track on the majority of full time positions out there, but they come with a certain set of issues. You will find the occasional gold level recruiter who really knows his or her business, but most recruiters require a certain level of handling.

Here we’ll talk about some of the more common issues with technology recruiters, strategies for dealing with them, and some of the best advice you’ll never hear anywhere else.

Sponsored by www.DBARoadmap.com – attendees will receive a discount code, and one lucky attendee will get a free copy of the Roadmap!

Last of all, here’s the Google Calendar link with all the same information, for your convenience:

Losing your job Sucks

I’ve blogged about this before, but some things are worth repeating from time to time.

Losing your job really sucks. And it doesn’t matter if you find out about it ahead of time by 2mos, 2wks, or not until they walk you out the door, you’re going to feel like a complete failure.  And I don’t know, maybe you should, maybe you shouldn’t, but if you don’t get a handle on it and soon you’re going to find yourself in the middle of a depression that’s hard to get out of.  And once you’re there you’ll be useless for finding a job until you get out of it because everyone can see you’re depressed and nobody wants to hire someone who’s a major downer.  You can take some steps to avoid it though, and here’s what I do.

The first thing I do is learn something new.  I pick a single topic of something I really want to learn and I do it.  It’s important that you only pick a single topic though.  The reason is because if you’re already feeling like a failure, choosing to bone-up on SQL in general is only going to make you more depressed because it’s going to remind you how small you really are compared to the product.  There’s just too much to do.  So you pick one small thing and do that.  You can tackle a single feature much easier.  Maybe it’s not even a SQL topic you’re interested in.  Maybe you’ve always wanted to get started with ASP.NET, or HTML, or JavaScript, or Powershell, etc.  Pick one of those instead.  Now, you certainly won’t learn any of those overnight either, but at least it’s a solid topic you can practice and get better at.  This is very important because it shows you that you’re not a loser and you are capable of doing something.  It also gives you new confidence because you’ve added something significant that you like to your skillset.  And if something in IT isn’t what you’re dying to do, then take this time to learn French cooking, or the harmonica, or whatever.

The 2nd thing I do is I start working out.  This too is essential.  There are a couple reasons for this.  First, it’s something tangible.  Unless you’re just completely paralyzed it’s impossible to not see improvement.  You jog to the end of the street and you’re completely winded.  Then the next day (or later that day) you jog to the end of the street and go and extra 10ft.  The next time you go even farther… and so on and so on.  Or you lift weights and see some improvement there.  Do something physical.  Do it every day and do it to exhaustion.  Why exhaustion?  Well, that’s the 2nd reason.

Physical activity works out mental frustration.  It’s hard to be stressed when you’re too tired to walk.  So by working out really hard every day you go a long way to relieve your stress.  And if you’re the type to hold things in, you’re more likely to open up and talk when you’re tired.  This is why parents who know this, make their kids get on a treadmill or do some good exercise when they come home really upset and refuse to talk.  After a good workout they start talking.  This is also more or less how truth serums work.  They relax you to the point where you don’t have the energy to lie.  Lying takes energy and effort and if you’re really relaxed, you tend to not be able to exert that kind of effort.

All of this should help you achieve the ultimate goal that I’ll state now.  Your ultimate goal is to shift your self-worth from your job to something else.  If you place all your worth on your job and you just lost your job, then where does that leave you?  Completely worthless, that’s where.  But if your job is just something else you do and you’re succeeding at plenty of other things, well then you’re not worthless.  You just don’t currently have a job.  The point is that your job shouldn’t define who you are.  Instead, focus on your career.  Whether or not you have a job currently, you’re still a DBA.  Individual jobs come and go, but your career stays constant.

I’ve lost jobs before.  I think almost everyone has.  It doesn’t necessarily mean you’re an idiot or you suck at what you do.  It may simply be that you weren’t right for that gig for whatever reason.  I’ve found that there are some shops that are so dysfunctional no sane person will ever be successful there.  Sometimes it’s a single person being enabled by the entire company, and sometimes it’s actually the entire company dynamic.  For whatever reason, you’re just not suited to that gig.  Ok, try to define what it is you can’t work with there and try to avoid that the next time.

So it may not be you who sucks at all.  Of course, it very well may be, and if that’s the case then improving your skills will be your 2nd priority.  Your first priority of course is to do what I said above and keep yourself out of the funk.  Because if you can’t do that then you’re not going anywhere.

Changing Job Step Properties in Powershell

I read a blog today from my good friend @SirSQL (Nic Cain) where he was talking about how to change retry attempts on all the jobs on a server. Well, technically it’s the job steps that have the retry attempts, not the jobs themselves. And whenever I see something like this, my fabulously huge MCM brain tries to turn it into Powershell. So I put my fingers to the keys and like 10mins later I had a workable script. And while Nic’s solution is perfectly good T-SQL, it’s another one of those things that highlights the power of the shell because I only need 3 lines of code to do it.

The easiest way to do this is through SSMS. Just start PS from the Jobs node.

And that’ll give you a blank SQLPS window that’s already in the jobs node.

Since we’re in SQLPS we don’t need to load the assembly, but I’ll do it anyway to show you how cause you might not be in SQLPS when you do it. It won’t hurt anything to load it again. But that’s one of the things that SQLPS does for you; It loads these assemblies.

Here’s how you load the assembly and set a variable to the JobStep object type.

$js = new-object microsoft.sqlserver.management.smo.agent.jobstep

Now we have our new $js var (stands for JobStep) we can fill it with the steps of all the jobs on the server. However, first, let’s take a look at the members of our new var.

$js | gm

Now you’ll get a good listing of all the members so you’ll know what you can and can’t do with it.

Towards the bottom you’ll see the property we’re interested in here: RetryAttempts. Now we just have to go through all the steps and change the retries to what we want. Here I’ll change it to 5 just because it’s a nice round number. You’ll be surprised how easy it is to do this. I’ll go ahead and tack it onto the partial script above and this will become our entire script.

$js = new-object microsoft.sqlserver.management.smo.agent.jobstep

$js = dir | %{$_.enumjobstepsbyid()}
$js | %{$_.RetryAttempts = 5;$_.alter()}

Ok, that’s all we need to do to change the RetryAttempts property for all the jobs on the server. But we’re not done talking about this… not even by a longshot.

First, in line 4 notice I call the EnumJobStepsByID() method on each item of the dir. This is how I populate the $js var with all of the job steps. What this line says is list all of the jobs (using dir) and then for each one, get a list of its steps and put it in $js.

Line 5 runs through each of the job steps in $js and actually performs the work of setting the RetryAttempts to our new value. And remember, jobs have an Alter() method, and typically whenever something in PS has an alter method it likes you to use it. if you don’t the changes will take effect in your PS session only and will not be pushed to the server. So call the Alter() method.

Now, I know what you’re saying… how would you do it for only some of the jobs? Because so far we’ve assumed that you want to apply the changes to every job on the server. Well, there are 2 ways to do that and they’re incredibly easy.

First, you can limit the data from the dir cmd in line 4. It could look like this:

$js = new-object microsoft.sqlserver.management.smo.agent.jobstep

$js = dir | ?{$_.Name -match "maint"} | %{$_.enumjobstepsbyid()}
$js | %{$_.RetryAttempts = 5;$_.alter()}

Take note of the new line 4. I’ve just added a where clause to the pipeline so now only jobs with the word “maint” in their names will be in the list.
The 2nd way is just as easy, but you do it at the job step level. if you remember from above when we looked at the methods for $js there was a property “Parent”. This is the parent job name for the step. So all you have to do is add the where clause to the $js instead and you’ll achieve the same thing.

$js = new-object microsoft.sqlserver.management.smo.agent.jobstep

$js = dir | %{$_.EnumJobStepsById()}
$js | ?{$_.Parent -match "maint"} | %{$_.RetryAttempts = 5;$_.alter()}

Now the new line 5 reflects our easy change.

There are so many uses for this code it’s incredible. There are plenty of properties to change and so many ways to limit the result set. Let’s say you have a maint routine on all of your servers and you want to alter the command that the 1st job step runs. That’s very easy. Instead of changing the RetryAttempts property, just change it to the Command property like this:

$js = new-object microsoft.sqlserver.management.smo.agent.jobstep

$js = dir | %{$_.enumjobstepsbyid()}
$js | ?{$_.Parent -match "maint"} | %{$_.Command = "My new code.";$_.alter()}

There’s nothing here Nic couldn’t change his script to do pretty easily, but this is much shorter and easier to read I think. It also has one huge advantage… I can run it on multiple servers without much effort. I’m not going to go down that road in this blog because I’ve posted many solutions with that code in it already so it wouldn’t be anything for you to add that to this script.

So anyway, thanks Nic for letting me use you as the base for this post. Your solution is fine, I just prefer the look and feel of 4 lines of code.

I’ve also got a companion video for this post:


What makes a Sr. DBA?

I get indirectly asked this question all the time… what makes a Sr. DBA?  Well, that question is gonna be answered 20 different ways by 10 different DBAs.  But here’s my answer.

Aside from whatever specific qualities you assign to what a Sr should look like, here’s a stick you can use to measure yourself.  You should be able to meet both of these criteria.

  1. 1.       Are you right most of the time?
  2. 2.      Do you handle your own problems instead of calling daddy?


Ok, let’s talk about #1 first.  Nobody is right all the time, but are you right most of the time?  When you get on in a crisis, do you diagnose the problem correctly say better than 90% of the time?  And do you discover and deduce the problem, or do you just fall into it?  Do your users come to you for answers?  In other words, have you earned your place as the go-to guy?

Next, how often do you call daddy?  If you’re in a shop with an existing Sr. DBA, do you call him when you have a problem or do you research and solve your own issues before getting him involved?  It’s always really easy to call the Lead DBA, but it doesn’t teach you anything.  And as long as you’re relying on his research skills you’ll never be the go-to guy yourself.

I remember it well.  Much longer ago than I care to remember, I asked whatever male figure I had how you know when you’re a man.  He told me something that stuck with me all these years.  He said, you know you’re a man when you quit calling your parents when you have trouble.  And I remember it hit me once when I was driving late at night and got a flat tire.  I just got out and changed it and went on my way.  And a year ago I would have called my folks to come help me.  That was my first hint that I may have crossed into manhood.  Because at some point you realize that it’s up to you.

It’s the same in the IT world.  You go through these years of learning and then of getting proficient, and at some point it dawns on you that it’s all up to you and only you can solve your problems.  You have to be the one to investigate and solve the blocking, or the deadlocks, or the excessive waits, etc.

And that doesn’t mean that you never need any help with anything.  Nothing could be further from the truth, but how often do you need that external help?

Is teamwork really that rare?

Well, despite the saga today that you can read about in my other 2 posts (Why can’t voodoo be real? and The stupid have fallen), the day ended fairly well in my last meeting.  I’ll give you just a snippet of the backstory before getting into the meeting.

We do a lot of server builds.  And quite a few of them are clusters.  So the problem is that we’re expecting to be given a server in a certain state and we don’t always get it.  So sometimes we have to troubleshoot something ourselves to get the server to look like we’re expecting.  And of course other times it’s just what it should be.  So we had a meeting today with the DBAs, server guys, and SAN dudes and all of our directors to try to sort this out.

That said, I’ll just give you the end result so I can get on to the rest of the post.  What we decided to do is next time we have a cluster build we’re all going to sit in the same room and do our thing and we’re going to negotiate what each hand-off is going to look like.  So the server team is going to build a checklist based off of what we agree on and every server they provide us will look exactly like that.  And we’ll know exactly what’s expected of us, and so will the SAN dudes.  Personally I can’t wait, because that’s such an excellently low-tech way to solve a problem.

Now, this isn’t exactly a rant, but kinda.  Is that level of teamwork really that rare?  I can tell you that in my experience is certainly is.  In almost every company I’ve been in the different groups have been at such odds they could barely communicate.  They honestly forget that they’re all on the same team working towards a common goal.  My last job was the worst about that.  The ETL team manager made sure his team was at odds with everyone and they kept everything to themselves and never even discussed issues in a friendly manner.  It was very acrimonious and tense whenever the different groups would get together for meetings.  And I’ve been in several shops that distrusted each other like that. 

In fact, I actually sat in that meeting today and said out loud what a strange feeling it was to actualy work openly with another team like that.  And it really is.  Everything my team does is an open book.  I’ve gone out of my way to make sure my team doesn’t hide anything from anybody because we’ve got nothing to hide and we’ll make more friends if they know why we’re doing certain things.  So our reasons for doing something and what we’ve done are always an open book… even our mistakes.  We admit to them and tell the customer what we’re doing to fix it and how long it will take.  And I’m not saying that I’m the reason these other teams are playing nicely, but I’m certainly fitting into this portion of the environment for sure.  And I can’t say that all teams play this well together, but I know a lot of them do because I’ve witnessed it. 

I’ve actually been saying it for years… Let’s pretend we’re all in the same company!

People Leave Jobs

One thing I see from time to time is when someone leaves a gig they’ve been at for a long time, their workmates get upset.  It’s like they’re personally offended that the guy is choosing to work somewhere else.  Look, I know it’s easy to build relationships with people you work with and it’s easy to bond with people you spend so much time with.  Hell, you might even say that you’ve been in battle together.  What you have to realize though is that people have to do what’s good for them.  I can almost promise you that the guy’s not leaving to spite you.  He’s probably just tired of one thing or another.  Maybe he’s not getting paid what he thinks he should.  Maybe the new job is just closer to home.  Maybe the new job allows more training or flexibility.  Whatever the reason, it’s almost certain it’s not to piss you off.

I know what it’s like because I went through that many years ago.  I got a couple guys I worked with that I got along with great and we all worked very well together.  Coming to work wasn’t a chore at all.  Then the first cool dude left.  I was crushed.  How could he do that to me?  After all we’ve meant to each other!!  Then the next one left, and then the next.  Finally I was all alone.  I want along this way until I went to my next job and found a couple guys I really liked (you know what I’m talking about, huh).  Then I left that gig because I got something better and I labored over whether to leave those guys or not.  Finally I decided that taking care of my family was more important.  Then I got it.  Those other guys weren’t leaving ME, they were just moving on to a better gig. 

So really guys, if someone you work with leaves for another gig, wish him well.  He’s only doing what’s best for him.  And if you really are a friend, that’s how you’ll look at it.

Uniting at Last

The DBAs in my area have finally started using their connections through the user group in a way that will actually do them some good.  When they get an offer from a company they put the word out to the user group to get any info on that company that may do them some good in making their decision.  They typically ask what the company’s like to work for, what the bosses are like, what kind of vacation they get, if bonuses happen on a regular basis, if they expect you to work lots of overtime, what their work from home policy is like, etc. 

Personally, this is an excellent use of resources and I think companies have had it too good too long.  They way many of them just dump employees for silly, pathetic reasons because they know that it’s too much effort and cost to get a lawyer and sue so most people will just go get another job and forget about it.  Unreasonable demands on time and project guidelines are another favorite trick of companies when dealing with DBAs.  And they like to hold your head to the fire and then hold it against you when you get burned.  So maybe a little bad reputation will help to straighten them out. 

It’s always one of the hardest parts about starting a new job isn’t it… not knowing what you’re really in for?  So it’s really nice when you can ask someone who worked there before and get the full scoop before you take the plunge.  So I’d like to encourage all of you to keep it up and start working with the members of your user group to make sure that companies who don’t value their DBAs get found out.  So they’ll either change their ways or not get any quality DBAs.

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Easier to Care

We’ve all had companies that didn’t listen to us.  They hire you with the intention of having you make things better and improving their processes.  Then when you come on and start making suggestions, they don’t want to implement any of them.  The reasons can be political, selfish, or just laziness, but the fact remains you’re not doing what you were told you would be.  And the company doesn’t seem to mind.

So what do you do now?  The company doesn’t seem to mind if things run the way they always have been so why should you?  It’s definitely easier to care about the quality of your job when the company does.  But why would any company choose to do things poorly especially when they’ve got to such great lengths to hire someone to fix them?  The answer is I just don’t know.  I’ve seen it too many times under too many companies and it confounds me every time.  I think a lot of time it’s an issue with a boss having too much faith in a guy who’s telling him you don’t know what you’re doing.  And even when you bring solid numbers to him he still doesn’t see the light.  That’s the one that gets me.  When I come to them with solid benchmark results and they still refuse to change the process because there’s a guy they’ve worked with longer who’s lying to them about how it’ll really behave in prod.

OK, so now what to do… well, you’ve really only got a couple choices.  You can quit or you can make your peace with it.  If you’re just not getting anything you need out of the gig then maybe it’s time to move on.  But if you’re getting something else out of it like a good schedule, or work from home, etc then it might be worth it to you to stick around.

If you do stick around then you need to make your peace with it.  And that’s the hard part.  Basically you have to stop caring about the systems and how they run.  Consider yourself more of an internal consultant.  They ask you questions and you advise them.  If they don’t take your advice then it’s not your problem.  It’s really as simple as that.  Of course, if you’re on the hook for support and this is gonna cause a bunch of extra work for you then that’s another story.  But you’ve gotta weigh that against everything else and make a decision.  If they’re really not gonna listen to anything you say then they really don’t understand DBs now do they?  Part of that is education, right?  You have to educate them about how to work with data.  Remember, this data explosion we’re in the middle of is still relatively new and many companies don’t have any idea how to work with it yet.  They have to be taught.  Now if only you can find a way to open them up to listening.

Just remember… numbers don’t lie.  If you keep showing them numbers eventually they may listen.  Of course, for some of these things you could always just do it yourself and say sorry later.  I’d never personally do anything like that(cough-cough), but I know some guys who have.

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Landing that job

You’ve been on a couple interviews and you’re finally getting offers coming in.  But a mistake that gets made quite often is that someone takes the first gig that makes them an offer because they can’t afford to turn it down.  That’s an evil in our society that we have to be forced to something we don’t want just to make a living.  If more companies considered retention in their plans we would be more stable as a workforce and you wouldn’t be forced to make decisions you don’t want to make.  Of course, if companies gave even a single thought to retention a lot of us wouldn’t find ourselves out of a job to begin with.

But leaving that behind, let me just advise you against taking the first job you come across.  If you have a family to support I certainly understand it and you’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do.  But if you’ve got more than one offer coming in, there’s no reason why the other guys can’t wait a day or 2 for your answer.  Most companies take forever to get you through the process and then expect you to make your decision on the spot.  Try not to fall into that trap if you can help it.  It’s not going to kill them if you take an extra day or 2 to consider all your offers.  Some recruiters like to put pressure on you by getting offended at your audacity for considering a different offer, but that’s just childish and don’t fall for it.  Their only concern is their own paycheck and it has nothing to do with you.  You gotta do what you gotta do.  Take the gig you want not the one the losing recruiter wants you to take. 

Recruiters will play games with you to get you to take gigs too.  I recently witnessed a recruiter telling someone they had to accept the company’s offer right now or it would be rescinded.  Whatever dude.  So if something like that happens to you you have 3 choices.  You can capitulate in which case you get what’s coming to you.  You can also tell them up front that if the deal’s only good right this second that you pass.  That usually changes their tune and fast.  Or you can accept the offer and then entertain other opportunities as they come up.  That may leave you accepting the offer and then rescinding it a few days later, but that’s the cost of doing business.  And if they ask what happened and why you’re backing out, just tell them that you don’t like being blackmailed so you took it to appease them but did your own thing.  Then if at all possible, make sure the company finds out how the recruiters who are representing them are doing business.  You’ll probably find that they knew nothing about the threat and would be pretty upset to hear about it.  I’ve personally ratted out a couple recruiters for similar behavior.  Seriously, don’t let them bully you.

I don’t really like the idea of having to accept a gig and then turn it down a couple days later, but if the recruiter is going to be a child about it then you have to play the game.  My job is to get the best deal for me and my family.  So I’m going to make sure that happens.

So unless you’re about to lose your house, don’t marry the first guy who holds your hand.  There may be better out there.  Personally I don’t like shortterm gigs if I can help it.  I like to get somewhere and stay there.  So when I accept a gig it’s because I think it’s something I want to do for more than 3yrs.  That’s the goal anyway.

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