Look at this Duck, and other updates

I am a giraffe

First, in the news, WE SIGN ON OUR NEW HOUSE TODAY!  Very excited. Also I want to remind you about 24HOP on Wednesday-Thursday, the NTSSUG meeting on Thursday (with Sean’s SSIS class and Brad McGehee!), and SQL Saturday #35 Dallas this weekend!

We have new MidnightDBA goodness for you, in the form of videos and web pages and podcasts. First up is our new DBAs at Midnight webshow, “User Processes” in two parts. Longtime viewers will be surprised at how few parts there are (webshows are usually 4-5 parts long).  Just check out Sean’s vid description:

We’re both SO PISSED OFF!! We did over an hour’s worth of show and only 30mins got recorded. However, in this 30mins we talked about users dictating processes, speaking the user’s language, vendor support and more.

This is all true. *sigh*

I’ve finally recorded a new MidnightDBA Blogcast! Brad McGehee was kind enough to let me read a cool blog of his, so I did.  Check out all of my MP3 blogcasts, available through iTunes and at this URL: http://www.midnightdba.com/BlogCast.xml

I’ve added several pages to my lovely blog here; you can get to the new pages on FAQ, mail bag, Where’s Jen, and About (which is a comprehensive list of everything I’m involved in online) using the links at the top of this blog. DO leave feedback.

The last blog was a spotlight on DBA and Twitter user extraordinaire Lori Edwards. Be sure to check THAT out.

I’ll have the preview for next week’s show, which was actually recorded IN FULL, up tomorrow.

Happy days,

Jen McCown


Follow Friday: Lori Edwards!

Boy, we haven’t had a spotlight-style blog since December’s post on Wendy Pastrick.  Far too long. 

For those of you not on Twitter, we tweety-folk have little rituals and understandings among ourselves.  One age-old tradition dating back to the time of our forefathers (so, sometime in 2009) is Follow Friday, marked with the hashtag #FF.  Just for funsies, let’s have our own #FF here in blogland, too.

I'm not at all implying that Lori smells.

#FF From the SQL Twitter Community

This week’s MidnightDBA #FF is awarded to @LoriEdwards, a 7 year SQL DBA (LinkedIn) and SQLPASS volunteer. She  blogs at http://sqlservertimes2.com/ with her husband Tim, making her the third of three SQL couples we know of: us, them, and the Tripps (Paul and Kimberly).

Lori has five kids. Five. I thought my three took up a lot of time, but she has five. Wow. And they sound awesome, btw: “My 12 y.o. is running for student council president on a ninja/pizza platform. I see great things in his future 🙂   It actually read ‘Patrick will fight for truth, justice, all ninjas and pizzas”. That’s my boy :)”

But that’s not what earned her this #FF, oh no. It was this:

[discussion of fire drill]

Allen Kinsel (@sqlinsaneo): Apparently you’re supposed to call HR before calling 911, because thats what Id do if I were dying

Lori: I think the proper order when injured or dying is: Tweet, post to FB, call HR and then call 911

Me: What about LinkedIn?

Lori: Nah – linkedin is boring work stuff. It doesn’t play well with i 7HInk I’m h@viNg @ He@r7 @77@Ck

Lori, you’re a cool bean. Thanks for all you do.

So folks, if you know something awesome about Lori, leave a note in the comments!

Happy days,
Jen McCown